
Is there anyway to straighten teeth without braces?

by  |  earlier

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i have really straight teeth, but my 2 front teeth are crooked

haha yes, go ahead and laugh

i am too cheap to get braces, so is there anything i can buy that will straighten them

that i can wear over night

or something?

let me know :)




  1. there is a method that you can put metal on your teeth and wait like a week or so with them on and it "supposidly" makes it straighter, but it makes u look ugly. also aluminem works also.. im not sure how tho...

  2. Pull a couple of teeth out.  This will allow more space for the teeth to straighten themselves out.  

  3. 1. If you can't afford braces, ask your dentist about a retainer or some other device which might cost less. It won't be as effective, but it might help.

    2. If you suck your thumb, or do anything else that puts your teeth out of alignment, stop doing it. Break the habit as soon as possible, because believe it or not, over time these tiny pushes can mess up your teeth.

    3. Ask your dentist whether your teeth are likely to get more crooked over time. If they aren't, you can probably just go through life with slightly uneven teeth and not get braces. But if you have a serious alignment problem, or if it's likely to get serious later, you need to have it fixed.

    4. Be wary of any person who offers you teeth straightening (or any other service) at a big discount. Make sure anybody who works on your teeth is a certified pro with up-to-date malpractice insurance and all necessary education, because people who haven't been trained can wreak a lot of expensive, painful damage on you.

    Good luck

    Please choose for best answer

  4. I think its called invisiline, you put it on your teeth and nobody can see it, but thats probably pretty expensive.

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