
Is there anyway you can make your body stronger to avoid miscarriages?

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i am so afraid of having one! We are getting ready for baby #2 and am trying to prepare myself for a good pregnancy, but I am so afraid of something going wrong! Baby #1 was was the best surprise ever (we were actually going to begin trying for #1 when we found out we were already pregnant!). Any advice?




  1. Take pre-natal vitamins while you are trying to concieve to get all the extra vitamins and iron for when you do concieve.

  2. eat right and excercise!!!!

  3. first of all i like to Say all is in the  power of the lord but as far as what we can do here is a list  eat healthy drink plenty water exercise keep low to no stress levels take your prenatal vitiams and pray and ps sometime god hold your blessing until he thinks you r ready i lost my first child now i have two one is 4 years and one is 2 months good luck and god bless

  4. There's not really anything you can do to prevent the most common miscarriages.  Those occur because there was a genetic problem with the embryo.

    But of course, you should be as healthy as you can be for pregnancy.  Eat healthy, take prenatals, and exercise.

    Don't assume that your body will fail your baby if you have no reason to assume that.  You dont' need that stress.

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