
Is there anyway you can track a car to see where they are going??

by  |  earlier

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Is there a devise that can tell you where your car is... for example if you would like to see where your spouse has gone with your car....




  1. It's difficult to track a car realtime.  It takes some kind of link between the car tracking device and a map display at your end.  It's also expensive to get the link.  You have to buy something of pay for use of a link.  It's possible to use a cell phone but you have to buy the phone and possibly pay for the air time.  It's much easier to install a tracking recorder.  It tracks the cars movements and you just download it to your computer when free to do so.  But remember, the tracking device needs an antenna that can see the satellites.  You can't just hide something under the car.  You can hide the antenna just under the fabric cover on the rear deck so it can receive through the rear windshield.  Make sure there's no metal over it.  The sensitivity will still be reduced a bit.

  2. Yes, very unethical though!

  3. stick a tracking device on the car?

    i hear there expensiive...

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