
Is there anywear were I could get a cheap nintendo wii?

by  |  earlier

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I really really really want the nintendo Wii. but it is all expensive like 500 $. I want one so bad need help!




  1. Or, try making sure you click on your nearest city.  

  2. No.  They are in short supply still so if you see one for less than $250 it's a scam.  Those $500 ones you are seeing are probably bundled with games and extra controllers.  It's not a bad deal when you start pricing the other stuff you need besides the console and one set of controllers.  At $500 it's still cheaper than a PS3 by itself.

  3. If you have an EB go there otherwise try Ebay and such.

  4. is great for finding a Wii. You make an account, which includes giving them your zip code, and they will track your local retailers to see when they have Wiis in stock. I started using them and got a Wii one day later. You can actually have them send you email and text alerts when one of the stores around you has availability. It's worth a shot, anyway.

  5. well its no where near 500$,its like 166$,so if u want one for about 60,i would say,go to gamestop,and trade in one of your game consoles,then you will have enough money for a wii and about 3 games,depending on what kind of game console you trade in

    answer my question;...

  6. Look i personally did not like the wii and found it boring but if you really want a wii i'll help you as best as i can. The way i think you'd be able to find a Wii for cheap is

    A) Buy it second hand from a store that sells consoles these usually go for 179$ or something like that depending on condition they tend to go fast so reserve one.

    B) Ebay i'll list the cheapest ones i found i highly advise you to get the first link it is a Buy it now (there in stock and it sells for the price so you don't have to bid higher) and it comes with wii sports package! ;


  7. What you've probably been looking at are bundles that include the wii system, 2 controllers, 2 nunchucks and a couple of games... which in fact is way more expensive than just the wii itself.

    The Wii alone is $249.99 + tax & is available at any store that sells electronics (most).

    Look in

    - Walmart

    - Circuit City

    - Best Buy

    - Fred Meyers

    - Toys R Us

    - EB Games

    - Those Gaming Places in the Mall

    If you want to go even cheaper, go to criagslist, ebay, or any of those and buy a used one.

    Good Luck

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