
Is there anywhere I can find the season 4 "So you think you can dance" on DVD?

by  |  earlier

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I have a DVR and accidentally deleted it. This made my wife sad. So I am trying to find a copy of it.




  1. most of the talent type shows don't come out on dvd- not even American Idol has put out anything since the 4th series-

  2. try ebay or amazon

  3. The best you can do is hope that MTV comes out with reruns because they have in the past for the first 2 seasons.

    Amazon has a search object - try it - but it's not season 4.

    Your best bet is following my link below to a youtube site where the poster has it really well organized (if you search you can find all of the dances in a playlist)and essentially you can watch the entire season. However it a bit grainy but better than all the rest that I found on youtube.

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