
Is there anywhere in Great Britain that still has a hosepipe ban?

by  |  earlier

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If so they can have all this feckin water we are getting in the South West




  1. you kidding me

  2. yes its called Dundee ,they also have a bath ban ,a shower ban and washing clothes ban, i also think they hold the world record because its been like that there for the last forty years.

  3. Shouldn't think so !

  4. I'm in Portsmouth and it's pissin' it down. Someone told me it was July. LIARS!

  5. Its not the right type of rain though

  6. With the amount of rain that we're getting at mo i dont think there will ever be another hose pipe ban again.

  7. nope not here

    I nearly drowned in my back garden earlier

    huge puddle

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