
Is there anywhere in Melbourne I can get tested for dyslexia for free?

by Guest10828  |  earlier

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Is there anywhere in Melbourne I can get tested for dyslexia for free?




  1. Dyslexia is "a difficulty learning to read."  If you do not read at the same ability level as your age group you are dyslexic.  However, this does not mean that you see things backwards or upside down.  Words are nonsense symbols are you can learn them no matter how they appear.  It may mean that you need  structured and sequential instruction with lots of repetition to teach your brain how to store and retrieve sight words and/or decoding information.  But, being a poor reader can simply be that you were not taught proper decoding skills or that you were not putting in the proper time reading in elementary school.  Either way,  with  effort this problem can be corrected.

  2. Try my site:

       If it works, you are not dyslexic, it is another reading problem.

    Try it for a half hour, write me at I want to know if it works, if you have a history of reading aloud for meaning, and how old you are.

  3. Unfortunately no, and if there were I would doubt the validity of the person doing the testing, as take a bit of training and understanding of the complexities of dyslexia.

    Some optometrists do testing for dyslexia,  but you will need to ask if they have the training to recognize the signs of dyslexia.

    Irlens dyslexia centre do testing and it can be quite expensive.  I think it was about $150 for just the assessment, but that was well of ten years ago. Both my daughter and I are dyslexic.

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