
Is there anywhere in the UK that looks like an American suburban street?

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The kind of street with bungalow houses which have white wood on the outside. Does anyone know of a place like that? Somewhere where all the houses are the same and they have little gardens on the front.




  1. I don't of any place just like that. There is a close in Brighton which has houses all identical and have white picket fences in the front. A colleague of mine says it reminds her of Desperate Housewives..

    The houses are made of brick but most have been painted white.

    These houses are in a very expensive area and cost a fortune to buy.

  2. yes there are some ww2 houses build by the Canadian soldiers on hawksley drive and central avenue in northfield birmingham known locally as chocolate box houses

  3. God forbid, no.I didn't see any place like that.I like the houses made with brick.

  4. Trailer Park = Gypsy Camp?

    I wouldnt want to live in an American style suberb. They are too rubbish. Especially as theyre made out of 100% wood.

  5. That's a toughy! I was born in the UK and travelled all over and I honestly cannot think of any area. We just don't have the white wooden houses and out door porches built identically on an estate like the americans.

    Although we do have estates and areas where all the houses are identical but they tend to be brick and of a different style.  

  6. Well there are plenty of places with bungalows, and lots of estates where all the houses are the same. Here's someone's picture of the estate where I grew up, for example:

    However the style of houses you get here is quite different from the US. Almost all our houses are made of brick rather than wood-framed.

  7. Welcome to my life.Exchange the fences for brick.

  8. yep. i saw one the other day - an estate in stanley was just perfect. which is weird cuz the rest of its trashy

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