
Is there anywhere on the internet where people buy glass bottles, or plastic bottles for recycling?

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I was wanting to get some cash for recycling.




  1. Actually in Michigan and Maine-you get a nickel per bottle in gas stations-because people pay a nickel as a deposit on the bottles..Says it right on there..Check it out!!!

  2. Certain state's rates are actually listed on aluminum cans, as others said, but plastics don't exactly work the same way.  Anywhere in Lancaster, PA if that is your question I can help you with rules on what is recycleable.  Plastics #1, #2 only in PA, and the container must be smaller at the opening than the base, for example you cannot recycle a butter spread dish, but you can recycle jar shapes where the mouth is smaller than the bottom, like a mayonaise container.

    I am lacking on a location for you to bring your plastics, the disposal services take all the plastic themselves from curbside and the make the money, so you have a very good idea.  Find out where they sell their curbside plastic after pickup.

  3. Many grocery stores have recycling centers where they buy stuff back from you to recycle.  Like 5 cents a bottle.

  4. Good luck there.  Its not about money.

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