
Is there anywhere that you can still buy Lucas Acidito Chili Powder? I don't care about the lead in it.?

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Lucas Acidito Chili Powder was found to contain lead and discontinued but did this stop production of the product?




  1. If you don't live in San Diego, you should probably try the Latin neighborhood in your town. Ask around. Find the little grocery store on the side street where they get the real tortillas and they will probably have it there. You might have to ask though.

  2. I've seen it in the Hispanic markets here in Northern CA. A good substitute, if you can't find the Lucas, is a product called Tajin, which is sold as a fruit seasoning in the Hispanic markets. It's pretty much the same thing, and IMO, comes in a better dispenser (flows better). There is a similar product made by Klass,

    Here's an online source for the Lucas Acidito

    I used to go through a lot of Acidito when I was a teenager. It's especially good sprinkled on apples and mango.

  3. i don't know where you live but here in san diego, you can find it just about anywhere. in liquor stores, ice cream trucks, and even wal-marts.

  4. Wal Marts in san diego have it

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