
Is there anywhere to get more backgrounds for 360 profiles?

by  |  earlier

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  1. Yahoo 360 freinds group have other themes there an so dose yahoo 360 can also select a picture you like from your pc cant be in giff format though,or find one on internet an save to your pc,then go to the top of my page on 360 an hit edit backround an then customise my own.then u can upload a pic from your pc you can use the top an bottom options,an use to differant pictures,big ones are best i think,or select the top option(singel picture) an if u pull down the bar u have option to have

    the picture u have browsed an going to upload an set it to tiled so it covers all over the page or if u scroll further down past select or edit picture,u get taken to change text coulers ect..u can change your page an have the moduals transparent so all the writing is ontop of pic,if you do this its best when droping down options editing singel pic an have it centered,then scroll down an go to backround couler an have it as black an a text couler u can see over backround pic,but if centered,depending on size of pic it dont cover much text,i like uploading big pics,if to confussing just for now go to custom edit upload a pic u want as backround an have it as tiled,just dont forget when u get into the browse 4 pic bit if u scroll down,you can change all sorts on your page..hope not to confusing ,any questions feel free to ask,my page has just vanished!.Or if u want a theme already made,check out yahoo 360 group,they have themes there too..

  2. Actually, you can download any image you want to use as a background as long as it meets specifications and doesn't violate copyright.

    Here is a directory of wallpaper/background sites: . You can also search for images via keyword searches on Google at . Right-click on the image and choose "Save Image As" or something similar to save an image to your hard drive. Similar services are and .

    You may want to TRY joining these groups, as they may provide some good tips as well:

    Another site:

    REMEMBER: Your background picture must be JPEG formatted (.jpg, .jpeg, or .jpe as the extension) and under 250KB in file size.

    TIP: If you are browsing public 360 pages and you see a theme that you like, click on "Make This Theme Mine" link to overwrite your theme with that one (located just above the counter on the Top Page - left side). This excludes pictures the person may have uploaded (i.e. images in the background).

    Good luck! Enjoy!

  3. The best site by far for back grounds is stumbled You can also use google images, or yahoo images as well. The size to look for is 1024x768.  Try vladstudio as well, and look around at peoples 360's, I often see web sites posted on back grounds.

  4. Goos question but i actually dont know sorry i cant help you at this time.  So did you manage to stock up on ur terry chocolate orange?  But i am sure that you can though


    This will tell you what size to use and how to customize your own theme

    This link lets you copy the code and with your ''my page'' open , just click it in the address bar at the top of your monitor.

    The code will be a mile long but you can paste it in there just the same.

    l use these all the time and find them easy and fast. There are 100's to choice from

    You can get any image from any place on the web as long as the size is right.

    Like even Photobucket,Flickr,Google and even myspace . As long as you follow these customize your theme directions

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