
Is there big ships than titanic?

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  1. There are VLCC - Very Large Crude Carriers - that make the largest cruise ships look like pikers.  Some of these things are easily over a 1/4 mile long.

    The economy of scale is what drives ship size.  People will pay more for a more luxurious experience, so a relatively small cruise ship can make a lot of money on each trip, but crude oil doesn't pay as well - but doesn't need a stateroom, either.   It's more efficient to run one gigantic tanker than two tankers that are merely huge.

  2. consider the following:

    the Titanic was 882' 9" w/ 46,328 gross tonnage

    the USS Enterprise is 1,123' w/ 93,500 gross tonnage

    the Queen Mary II comes in at 1,132' & 148, 258 gross tonnage

    YET the Knock Nevis is 1.504' and comes in at a staggering 564,763 gross tons

    At the time the Titanic sailed she was "then" the largest ship on the ocean (be it for a short while that is) but by today's standards she was small.

  3. these guys are right about the Q Mary being big but look up some of the USA naval ships

  4. um......the queen mary is larger but it does not make the titanic look like a flea. its like the difference between a midsize car and a full size car...

  5. yes,world's biggest ship is queen marry is also the more advanced ship on sea,its journey coprises of six days and six nights,then it stops,unload and reload and then carries on with its journey again,one thing interesting about queen marry is that it has two light weight engines of jet fighters fitted in it.

  6. The biggest sea going vessel now is the Queen Mary. It makes  the Titanic ship look like a flea

  7. Yes today's cruise ships are much more bigger than titanic.

    and biggest is Queen Mary II.

  8. the worlds biggest ship is carnival destiny

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