
Is there bleached sugar in diet coke?

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Is there bleached sugar in diet coke?




  1. There is no sugar at all in diet coke.  It's "diet" because it's sweetened with a calorie-free artificial sweetener instead of sugar.

    Edit to Tiernan's Mommy: the question was a yes or no question: is there sugar in diet coke?  I answered that question.  The question was NOT "is diet coke healthy?" so I didn't answer a question that was not asked.  There was no reason for you to attack me or my answer.  My name is a reference to a Pulitzer Prize winning novel, not an indication that I purposely spread disinformation.

    Nobody said *you* had to give a yes or no answer.  As a matter of fact, I AM mad at a lot of the c**p that the government allows in our food, which is one of the reasons I went vegan.  I feel like I can better protect myself from that kind of BS by eating a mainly whole foods diet.

    Yes, I knew there was aspartame in diet coke.  I've known that since NutraSweet went on the market and replaced the saccharine that used to be in diet pop.  I'm not an ignoramus and I'm not 12.  As I said, I didn't bring it up because it wasn't the question.  I'm not attacking you and I'm not suggesting that you leave, but you did go out of your way to criticize me to begin with, which wasn't perhaps the best way to introduce yourself to a forum you're new to.  Had you not mocked me and accused me of spreading disinformation, nobody would have said a word to you about your answer (except perhaps to agree with you.)  Stick around, but maybe get to know people before you bash them.

  2. Google search "Aspartame in diet coke". -a dangerous and highly toxic additive.

  3. If you are in the states there is basically no real sugar in any pop.  Unless otherwise labeled it is all high fructose corn syrup.

  4. Wow, I cannot believe the insanity that goes on in y/a....yes the question was whether or not it has sugar, Mockingbird answered. Keep your tyrades for people asking about the dangers of aspartame.

  5. ^agreed^

    but that rant sounds strangely similar to the one in skinny in the kitch. plagiarism?

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