
Is there considerably less tolerance among youngsters than say ten years ago?or are they more assertive now?

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Is there considerably less tolerance among youngsters than say ten years ago?or are they more assertive now?




  1. ??? Are they more tolerant or more assertive? That dichotomy makes no sense.

    From what I've heard, the young are more tollerant.

  2. I say sometimes the parents have more problems now to worry about then the old days and  unintentionally neglect the feelings of there kids therefore, causing them to grow up quicker to defend themselves against there peers  and they also learn about more and more things at an earlier age then when we did like from tv and a computer and just the world around them.  They are some pretty smart kids though.

  3. I think so... kids these days want everything their way or no way.. there is no discipline.

  4. when you say tolerance, what exactly do you mean, tolerance of what?

    anyways, i would disagree with you. people always say how the youth culture is deteriorating with passing generations. go back to the 60s they say that. go back to the Victorian times even, and they would say that.

    the thing is, youngsters are always going to be assertive and act intolerant and downright rude (i know, i'm 16 too), but the thing is, thats part of the psychology of growing up. you come to terms with your surroundings more, and start questioning everything. and when you young, your hot blooded and angry about things, even if theres no reason to.

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