
Is there cultural superiority or inferioirty in an objective sense?

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Put political correctness aside...

What do you think?




  1. There was a group in the US early on that were called the Shakers. They believed that all sexual relations were bad. They died out and no longer exist.  They did not fit in nature's plans of reproduction and survival. Their way of thinking was unfit. Not to say that one should run out there and reproduce non stop as many seem to think for that ends up with the same outcome. lol

  2. Cultural superiority or inferiority I think is defined by how willing a culture is to accept other cultures. By that definition, Islamic extremism would be horrendously culturally inferior due to its belief of "our way or death to the infidel".

  3. There is a continuum of good to bad in every cultural group. Your own group no doubt has their extremes. Mine does.

    Take the Irish, for example. They are culturally superior in many ways. Some of the best actors were Irish: Irene Dunne and many others. They have been prominent in politics, too. Is there anything  more beautiful than a red haired, blue eyed Coleen? On the other end of the scale, well let's just say that Northern Ireland has been one of the worst cases of mutual genocide.  And so it goes for other groups.

  4. If you are being objective, then you can only apply objective qualifiers. You can't say "Society A is better than society B." You can say a society has more people, more powerful weapons, more productive agriculture, etc, but to say one is better than another, to make that value judgment, is purely subjective. You might say that one culture is better at a particular task (if you can measure that task empirically), but that's not the same thing.

    Political correctness has absolutely nothing to do with this.

  5. Inferiority is a byproduct of superiority.and since the aspect of superiority should be maintained by any culuture, as a basic need to stay intact.. when a society, or some of it members, feel inferior 2 another society, then U expect migration. After migration, hoever, they 'll still talk of some superiority of their culture , son not to feel infirior in the new cultur. that is what I think.

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