
Is there efficient alternative to hormones for hypothyroid?

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I m a man who, after interferon treatment, got hypothyroid as a side effect, doctors are very vague about anything else but synthetic or animal hormones. a big thanks for serious answers; denys lemo, multilingual




  1. There's never been any treatment except thyroxine tablets that has been shown to be effective. Is there any reason why you don't want to try the synthetic hormones?

    Most people who suffer from hypothyroidism find that thyroxine tablets completely get rid of their symptoms, and side-effects are very rare. The drugs only contains the hormone that the body cannot make, so is a very effective drug. This is probably why there aren't any treatment alternatives - because the current treatment is so good.

  2. I'm sure a friend of mine used to swear by sea kelp, something to do with the Iodine in it.

    Do a little research on Iodine supplements or ask your GP and see if they feel it might help.

  3. Once you start the synthetic thyroid hormone, it is difficult to transition off of them. You are wise to consider alternatives.

    However, you are also wise to have a doctor monitor your progress while you try other things because thyroid consitions can be serious.

    I am a Reiki Master Teacher and have a slightly low thyroid personally, not enough to require medication.

    I serve a client who lost her thyroid to cancer surgery and have worked with her through her transition.

    She does not have a thyroid and we can not live without that hormone. Her choice was to have her doctor to change her perscription the medically available netural alternative. I do not know the name of it but there is a natural thyroid pill available by prescription from your doctor. Her doctor did not want to change her but she insisted and has felt much better on the natural hormone. Her doctor monitored her progress.

    If your problem is not too severe, you can go to your local health food store and buy a glandular thyroid supplement and some herbe to support thyroid function, they will know at the store what they have available for that. You can try it for a month or two then have your doctor re-test you.

    Good luck.

  4. There is Armor thyroid, along w/ Westroid (both need prescriptions, though.)

    Check out these websites for more info.

    All the best to you.

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