
Is there enough time???

by  |  earlier

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I ice skated for 2 yrs, and I took about 6 months off. Now I want to go back and compete (I did it once before). The problem is, the comp is on March 8 or something like that. If I go back really soon, will I have enough time??




  1. If you do not have a program put together, no.

  2. yeah but hurry up LOL good luck have fun

  3. Well, what's the level you're going to compete in? If the hardest elements are half jumps and one foot upright spins, you'll probably recover decently in time.

    If you already do far harder things like change of foot spins and single Axels, you probably won't have enough time unless the competition field is very weak.

    If you do work everyday and already have a routine choreagraphed, you might look passable in such a short amount of time, but you might end up huffing and puffing by the end of the routine because you lost endurance.

  4. that my sister b day mar.8 well ice skating sucks

  5. mm - u should be ok if you practice alot...

  6. if you work hard at practice and you can still fit the physical capabilites then yes you will have enough time.

  7. Why not just go back instead of spending time thinking about it, the more time you think about it the more time you waste.

  8. Go back anyway. The more time you spend thinking the about it the less time you'll have to actually skate.

    skate as much as you can in between now and march 8th. Practice all you can and you'll probably get all your old stuff back. The only problem is you would need to find an dress, music, and get a new program. Maybe you could adapt an old program to fit with this new competition. Go skating at a public session and just skate a few laps to get back into the feel of it. Try doing some easy things, like edges and crossovers, then once you've warmed up, try some easy spins and jumps. (depending on how crowded the session is)

    I don't definitely know that you will or will not get to do the competition. But go back to skating anyway and maybe if its too late for this competition you can do the next one.

    good luck if you do make it to the competition!

  9. Depends on how fast you pick up on everything again. good luck.

  10. It may be a little tight to be able to go back and do the competition on March 8th, but you can certainly begin and shoot for the next competition.

  11. Probably if you skated every day til then.  6 months isn't too bad, so you probably haven't lost much.  Do you already have a program put together?  Sometimes the harder part isn't the's being able to get through the program without passing out!!  :)

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