
Is there even a point in my attempting to study?

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basically, i only have 2 weeks left before school is over and im failing algebra.

There's a test that im gonna have to make up since i wasnt there on friday, but there's really no point in studying for it, since:

a) i can study for something so hard, but when it's time to take the test, i dont remember a d**n thing.

b) im failing, and the year's almost over, so there's no point in trying now.

c) it doesnt help for ****.

so basically, i just have one question, should i even study?




  1. Hmm, your attitude has set you on a pth to success.  You remind me of the guy I got stuck tutoring in math for 6th grade.  It was his 3rd try.  I got him through it without doing his work.  

    Somehow they convinced me to tutor him the next year, and in 8th grade too.  He passed, because of my teaching, and he knew how to do math.

    He got his driver's license, got drunk and high, with 3 others in the car, raced in the street, and wrapped his car around a tree, killing everyone inside.

    That story aside, in my school a 70 was passing.  If this test is worth a lot of your grade, then you have a decent chance of passing.  I'm not sure how your school works, but 4 points is not a lot to make up.

    How to study:

    Break the concepts up.  

    If you don't understand something, there are probably several concepts that make up what you don't understand, look at those individually.  

    Example if you don't know how to simplify: (x2+2x+1)^-1=0, there is more than one concept here.  You have (), powers (exponents), and distribution of the exponents, to name few.

    You might understand how parenthesis () work, and understand distribution when it looks like this 2*(x + y) and be able to understand that that means 2x+2y, but not understand how to do that with exponents.  That way, you could focus on the most simple problems with exponents.

    Second, PRACTICE A LOT.  Practice the most basic stuff first, then build your way up to what is giving you a problem.  Make sure you fully understand what each step on the way to a solution means and how to get there.

    If you don't understand something, ASK QUESTIONS.  Be annoying with the number of questions you ask, if you have to.  You will thank yourself for it when you don't have to take algebra again in summer school.

    Find real life examples that matter to you. The kid I tutored who wrecked the car understood it whenever I put it in terms of pot or alcohol.  He dealt drugs, and was good at it.  If I tell you I am selling all my pot to 2 people and they will each sell all of it to two of their friends, how many people end up with pot?

    You might remember it better than me using an example with marbles or crackers that you don't care about. (The example, when written mathematically would be 2*2=2^2=4)

    Sometimes drawing diagrams helps understand word problems and equations.

    I drew the above problem out in a really crappy diagram: - click the link for the diagram

    Really though, given what yo have already said, you don't have the self control or willpower to learn the material even for one test.  If you don't want to do well, just do like the other kid I tutored and get drunk with some friends and rap your car around a tree.  You could have some self control and discipline and pass the test, or you could wallow in your own self pity.  The choice is yours.  Your school (which hopefully didn't suck as much as mine did) has provided you with the materials and I have supplemented them, now all you have to do is make the choice.

    Do You want to be a loser?

  2. Are you not worth it? I believe that you are. Summer school may be your option. BEFORE you enter a room, building, public transportation or any place, say quietly "Peace Be To This House." - Luke 10:5. The peacefulness within those premises and the learning that you can do, is beyond belief! What shall we then say to these things? If GOD be for us, WHO can be against us? - Romans 8:31. The Lord daily loadeth us with BENEFITS, even the GOD of our salvation. Selah. - Psalm 68:19. I wish you continued success.

  3. well you need to ask yourself if you care about your future, then yes you should study if you dont care, then h**l, go work at mcdonalds for the rest of your life, I'm not trying to make you feel bad, its up to you, but i would study, teachers can make exceptions if they know you work hard

  4. Yes there is and I am sure you deserve the best grades.

  5. Well it depends on if you have somewhat of a chance of passing. If you do then study the **** out. If not don't give a **** and just continue to fail.

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