
Is there ever a justifiable reason for temporary (not chronic)depression?

by Guest32689  |  earlier

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Such as losing a business or financial strain or problems at home or death of a family member? Or do you think it must always be medicated because depression is not normal? I have no opinion either way.. just wondering what other people think




  1. Of course there are a multitude of justifiable and perfectly understandable reasons for temporary periods of depression and sometimes there is a need for even low levels to be treated with medication just so a sufferer can get on with life and/or cope more easily until it lifts.

    Depression is a mental health issue but anybody who attempts to stigmatise it are irresponsible ignoramuses.

    Depression can affect anybody at any time of their lives and if those same idiots who treat it as something to be derided were actually honest with themselves they would admit they too have been depressed at some point.

    It happens to everybody at some point to a greater or lesser degree and of course some may experience it many times.

    It can be triggered biochemically or emotionally, (even psychically/empathically), or from traumatic experience, nobody is immune from depression and if somebody really never ever suffered a bout of depression, i would think that strange, not those who do have the odd bout.

    Life is no bed of roses for anybody and as complex and sentient mammals in our modern lives in modern society, there is no wonder at all that people become depressed.

    Such is life!

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