
Is there evidence that sexual energy and/or hormonal imbalance are connected to the paranormal?

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TR, webster online defines paranormal as "not scientifically explainable". That covers a lot of ground. Good as scientists are, they often admit they can't explain many things. Of course I don't know for sure, but my guess is eventually they will be able to explain some things and dismiss others.

Deenie, that wasn't what I was getting at, but I think you look adorable in that hat!




  1. Kinky weird!  lol

  2. poltergeist

  3. You should try to be more specific.  What part of the paranormal?  Ghosts and spirits?  No connection that I know of, but then in order to have a connection you must first know something exists.  Then, that something must be measurable.

    One possible connection that could exist is that those with a hormonal imbalance may be more likely to perceive paranormal activity.  But that would be a hard factor to control for.

  4. Do you mean the 'Kundalini' energy as exercised by Tantric (Hindu) communities? Yes there is evidence...Practice Tantra whilst having s*x - you'll be literally experiencing the paranormal!

  5. Are you insinuating that women in menopause hallucinate??? You're probably right! And that's the perfect time for them to get out their aluminum beanies!!Since people think they're crazy during that time anyway..what's the difference??

    Edit..I think we all ought to demand that yahoo gives us aluminum beanies to wear in our avatars!

    Edit..OK...This is as close as I can find to an aluminum beanie! Will this protect me???

  6. There have been instances where adolescence seems to coincide with activity but as with most things in this field, nothing has been proven.

  7. No, that would imply we had evidence of some sort for the paranormal.  And we don't.  There's no kind of energy called 'sexual energy', and hormonal imbalances are caused by just that - chemicals.

  8. I don't recall a study that implicated the pituitary gland as causing paranormal activity.

    However, if you wife's personality is changing due to menopause, I don't think her head will be spinning in a 360 degree movement and spewing green goobers.

  9. Scientifically speaking, none at all. Like Eri said, the existence of the paranormal would first need to be established before hypothesis could be drawn from it. However, on the mystical side of things, I have read how some think that "sexual energy" empowers their psychic senses. Also, sexual energy is supposed to be associated with one of the chakras, and chakras seem to be very in fashion these days.

  10. Apparently one symptom of bipolar, that can appear years before it's diagnosed, is the person may suffer visual hallucinations. I'm not sure if this is quite what you were asking though.

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