
Is there financial assistance available for couples who wish to adopt a baby from China?

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My husband and I have three children, and we would love to adopt a baby from China to round out our family. We live in a great area in a nice house, and have lots of love to give. I'm a stay-at-home mom, so we don't have as much income as we do when I'm working, but I think it's important to be home in these early years. We desperately want to adopt, but $20,000 is a lot of money for a family living off one income. Are there grants or programs out there to help qualified, loving families be able to afford the adoption process? With so many kids out there needing a good home, it seems like such a shame that some money is keeping these kids away from having a family.




  1. In order to adopt from China, your specific family (since you all ready have three children) will need to make 60,000 dollars a year.  You also need a net worth of 80,000 or more.  Also, be prepared to wait about four years right now.  Not trying to smash your dreams, just trying to help you out.  Not all of the fees associated with the adoption are up front, most are at the tail end when you travel to China to pick the baby up, so with the wait times as they are (in China) you have at least three years from this point on (probably more) to come up with most of the money.

    As someone mentioned you also get a tax credit, of up to 10,000 dollars after the adoption is finalized, so you can count on getting at least some of the money spent back.  This tax credit can be used on any adoption related expenses, including airfare and the cost of the hotel while you are in China.  I would suggest contacting an agency as soon as possible, in order to see if you guys qualify (the rules changed this year, and they are really strict...which is understandable) but it is best to know if you qualify before worrying about the money.  If you don't qualify, the agency may have another program you may qualify for.  

    If you own your house (and I think that may be another requirement now...I am not 100% sure on that) you can always take out a home equity loan in order to pay for the adoption, but this isn't always prudent AND if it knocks you below the net worth line, you won't want to do it.

    Also, I think its called Shaoshanna's hope,  I think they offer grants for adoption.  This is an organization run by Steven Curtis Chapman and his wife, who have adopted three girls from China.  

    Good luck!

  2. Well shows how much some people know about China. Tons of Chinese babies (mostly girls) are abandoned by their parents because of China’s 1 child per family, some sections they are allowed 2 children. Most families want the boys so even though they love their daughter if they only get one baby most are going to give up the girl, and try again for a boy, and may continue to give up their daughters till they get that boy.   Though I guess some people would rather the Chinese children spend their whole lifes in an orphanage.  This would be the case for many of the Chinese children unless they are adopted.

    That you want to adopt from China is great get in contact with some agency that do international adoption and they should be able to tell you of any  financial assistant that is out there for you.  Be warned at the start of this year Chinese adoption criteria has gotten a lot stricter

  3. There should be a bonus for adopting an american child.  There are plenty of kids here that need parents too.  Lets leave the foreign countries to the celebrities and help our kids hhere.

  4. i haven't heard anything specific but i bless you for wanting to adopt a child that wouldn't have a home otherwise...

    you're strength is a miracle to us all and i'm sure if you were meant to have another child God will bless with you with finding the money...

  5. You know I'd really like somebody or the gubmint to give me a handout so I could fly to Europe.

    Adopters already get a handout in the form of a tax credit, and you want MORE? That's pretty ungrateful IMO.

  6. Why are people who want to adopt always looking for handouts?

    If you feel you must take a baby away from her family, homeland, and culture, why not get a job?!

    I have three children, too.  I have worked PT for the last five years in unglamourous jobs nights and weekends while my husband stayed with our kids.

    I'd rather give 'grants' to the child's mother so she could keep her!

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