
Is there genuine home based internet business in India? I do not wish to be cheated. I require proof.?

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Is there genuine home based internet business in India? I do not wish to be cheated. I require proof.?




  1. Hai! My name is Ivin. Regarding to your questions, I’m pleased to introduce you to the website below, which I’ve already joined as a member, I felt lucky that I didn’t get cheated. If you know how to send email, you are capable for this job. Visit the website below, for the presentation.

  2. you may visit     and    and also        But take your own decision and proceed. These are tested sites.

  3. Definitely there are many

    The best is outsourcing. Get in touch with anybody who wants to outsource his work. I feel you should also get in touch with companies who want their typing or translation work to be done cheaper.

  4. yes and im doing and i will give as many as proof u want its legal then the word legal it self so cantact me at and mobile no 9899967180 and 9899062907

    our prime ministers family is also doing it now u know hw legal is this ok

  5. There is no genuine home based internet business in India or any where in the world.  There are only frauds available who say they have earned so much and you can too, like MLMs and related stuffs. Don't opt for data entry at home as it has been proven several times as fraud and don't pay even a single pie for that.

    If you want to earn genuinely, then try answering paid questions of Yahoo Answers or Google Answers, for this you should be qualified in the particular area.  You will be paid for quality answers.

    Try to sell online in ebay, froogle, amazon or any other online shopping cart which you feel will attract public at the same time the product is available in your area in plenty and economical.

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