
Is there going to be a nuclear war with Russia?

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I was just reading on that Russia was threatening military action against us if they put a missle defense base in Poland?

Did anyone hear about this? Any insight?




  1. Perhaps you've misunderstood the news story.  

    I've read other news stories about it.  And my impression is that the Russian military will target its nuclear missiles against the missile defence base in Poland.

    Targetting missiles is not the same as firing them.  Which means that there is no imminent danger of war now.

    But the current disagreement between Russia and NATO countries may lead to a new Cold War.  Which eventually might result in a nuclear war.  When countries start pointing their nuclear missiles at each other.  Then a nuclear war is only one button-push away.   Someone might push the nuclear button by accident, or out of anger, or out of fear.  

  2. Anyone who says anything about nuclear war should be sent back in time to live in 1962. Its UNREALISTIC!

  3. dude lay off the news now and then.  Itll put crazy thoughts in your head.  One thing is for sure though, we dont have the troops to spilt between Russia, Iraq, and Afgan.  If we ever do send troops to Russia, who the h**l is going to protect us???  

    Nuclear war is too much of a gamble at this point and time, and we have way more to lose than to gain by using nuclear weapons.

    I really think we need to focus on the problems in our own country right now and just let the others do the same.  im so sick of us getting invovled in issues in other countries and not in our own,  

  4. unlikely, so go to bed and sleep soundly.

  5. Yes since the Neocons can't drum up a phony conflict with Iran to blame them after one of our mid sized is sacrificed in an inside job nuke attack (since Iran doesn't have nukes), the Neocons have just restarted the Cold War. We will have another World War whether we want it or not.

  6. I grew up being scared of Russia because of things like this. As a young adult in the early eighties, I was still scared to death of Russia. But all of the scares fizzled out, and nothing happened. Russia is really just as scared of being nuked as we are. They talk a big game, but I no longer worry about them.

  7. Probably not...both sides know what the result will be if one launches first. It will be a full blown out war. And it will be the end of the world as we know it.

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