
Is there going to be a polarshift on 12/12/12?! it true that it will be the end of the world?

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Is there going to be a polarshift on 12/12/12?! it true that it will be the end of the world?




  1. Wow, what an original question. It's amazing what 30 seconds on google can do for your knowledge. That's how long it took me to find out about magnetic pole shifts on the Sun and the Earth. No hoodoo, no dire predictions, just science.

    Apparently the Earth hasn't undergone a pole shift in hundreds of thousands of years, and nobody is sure when the next one is. There are no mass extinctions associated with pole shifts as far as I know, so there's nothing to worry about. I did hear from one documentary that if the Earth's pole does shift, our magnetic field will weaken for a few years, leading to increased rates of skin cancer.

    Not good news, but hardly end-of-the-world stuff.

    Education. It's a great, isn't it?

  2. oh my f***ing god

    same as y2k

    same as 06/6/06


  3. Yup, the poles are going to reverse and the world will stop spinning.  Fish will start talking and White Mice will finally reveal that they are supreme beings and declare the end of Earth 2.0

  4. haha.

    if you believe in God and Jesus Christ and this does happen

    nothinggs gonna happen.

    in the bible it says "...he will come like a robber in the night..."

    or something like that but if that does happen Jesus or God Will Come Get the ones that believe in them.

    and the rest will stay on earth for 7 years and will be forced o have 666 tattooed on them. and for 7 years it will be h**l on earth. and when  Jesus comes back he will take all His beleievers back to Heaven With Him. I Dont know what happens after that my mom nver told me??

  5. I wonder whether you understand what is meant by 'polar shift'.

    Spinning (rotation) of the earth is a phenomenon that was observed. Arbitrarily we named the north pole as 'North Pole'. Assume that it was supported by the qualifying statement that the axis of rotation there follows the 'right handed cork s***w' rule and reverse is true for South Pole.

    Now shifting of poles can occur only when earth stops its rotation suddenly in manner worse than car breaking at 200miles/hour and reverse the spinning(in opposite direction) !. If this explanation of 'Pole shift' (which is a mere English word with no science attached to it, what so ever) doesn't suffice then nothing else.

    Coming to magnetic 'pole shift'. It is entirely a different 'kettle of fish'!. If ever such a thing happens, the magnetic compass (freely suspended) flips over to the opposite position. Or if the mag pole changes by, say (for the sake of argument), 90 degrees then we would have the compass point to East! In the recorded history of humanity such a thing never happened  (so as to enrich our experience, because we are after newer and newer, exciting TV programs) and chances are that it may not, for humans to see it.

    Sun is a horribly fluid, rotating sphere. Enormous quantities of massed charges flow generating humongous magnetic fields. The flowing fluids change direction of flow ever so often and with it the associated magnetic field in direction. Such a thing cannot be replicated in the mainly solid Earth.

    After having said it all, I appeal to you to cut that c**p about 12/12/12 or whatever as the eye of science couldn't perceive anything near to it. All catastrophes and calamities in earth's skin do not amount to much on planetary scales (that is much less than stellar scale). Before any such thing, the humanity would be wiped out clean as if with a tissue paper.

    Haven't you seen the news paper reports dated June 28 about 'The Centenary of the Tungska event' at Krasnoyarsk (in Russian Siberia during June 26-28)? it was the fall of a huge meteor or perhaps a comet that hit the Earth, impacting at Tungska. This was the biggest event of its kind of which you'll know more, browsing the net for 'Tungska'.

  6. Unfortunately, no.  Sadly, we'll all be here in 2013.  Well, most of us plus a few new arrivals.  

    I regret to inform you that this is all nonsense.

  7. It's a load of c**p. Don't worry about it. For as long as mankind will live, there will always be people making up these fake stories to scare people. Or maybe just out of plain boredem.

  8. 12/12/12! Sounds like the time you pass - on the John - after a big nite. Eschew all chilli beans then.

  9. yeh yeh what the other one said.  What bullcrap

  10. No?


  12. the world is not going to end in 2012. There is no scientific proof, or evidence for that matter. People think that the world is going to end because that’s when the mayan calendar ends. If this is why the world is going to end then we might as well say that the world is going to end on December 31 2009 because no calendars have been printed for 2010 yet. Its an absurd idea that has been shamelessly endorsed by yahoo, google, the news media, and even the history channel.

    that’s the short answer. Here’s the long one:

    There are a couple theories on how the world will supposedly end in 2012. I will give you examples, and shoot the ideas down for you.

    The most popular idea is that planet x, is going to come to the earth and block the sunlight. First of all, it is not “the planet x” it’s “a planet x”. planet x is a generalized term that caught on a couple hundred years ago that was used to describe unknown planets of our solar system. Neptune was once a planet x. astronomers calculated that the orbital period of Uranus was affected by another object, probably a planet, that was beyond Uranus. They calculated the orbital period of this planet x, and found where it would be at a specific time. They saw the planet, and it was no longer considered planet x. it got its name- Neptune. Scientists miscalculated the orbital period of Neptune being affected by another planet, but by chance their miscalculations revealed Pluto. This icy world was also considered planet x, and was first seen in 1930. It was considered a planet until 2006 when it was demoted to a dwarf planet, and now a plutoid. Sedna, quaour, eris, and ceris were all considered planet x’s, and were eventually classified as plutoids.

    Now that you know the true definition of a planet x, lets talk about the scientific improbabilities of a planet x that is going to travel all the way to the earth. First of all, I have gone to college, and received a PhD in astronomy and astrophysics and I have never heard of nibiru. According to recent data, there may be another planet larger than earth lying in the kupiter belt. to get to earth it would have to get through the beatings of countless asteroids, and the gravitational pull of the four gas giants of the outer solar system - Neptune, Uranus, Saturn, and Jupiter. I wouldn’t be surprised if it became a moon of one of those planets on its way. Anyway, if it did get through the gas giants, it has to get through another asteroid belt, as well as mars. It will most likely be shot into outer space, or into the sun where it will burn up. If it did manage, by some miracle, to get in front of the earth, it would be in a different gravitational shell. It would be closer, which means it will orbit the sun faster than the earth, therefore it will move away from us. So that’s not going to happen.

    Another theory is about the asteroid. Its going to hit earth or whatever. Here’s why it won’t work: the asteroid has to take the same path to get to the earth as planet x, but it is even smaller, and will take more of a beating. If it got through everything, it would just crash into our moon probably. If it did come to earth, the atmosphere would burn it up so much that there would probably be nothing left for it to hit earth.

    All other theories are just as absurd. Nothing is going to happen in 2012, except for the same things that could happen any other year.

  13. no, on both counts.

    any particular reason you ask?

  14. probably wont be the end of the world...its gonna be like 6/6/06...they said it was gonna end on that day too..I'm just saying its not likely that the world will end..

  15. A polar shift takes hundreds of years. It's not going to happen in 2012, or any time soon.

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