
Is there going to be another earthquake?

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  1. .The big one has been coming for quite sometime,and  LA. and most if not all of California will suffer great loss from it,when it comes,and experts agree that the question is not > IF,but rather when! I lived in Willow Brook California in 1952 and an Earthquake shook my Family and I,out of Bed and it shook all of our can goods out of the cabinets,broke our Dishes and Lamps,etc,etc,. I live in Kentucky now and there has been some small Earth quakes on the New Madrid Fault that runs through Ky! We are looking for a large one sooner than later! So YES there will be more!

  2. There probably will be more minor tremors, weaker than the one you felt.

  3. Yes theres suppose to be a 7 magnitude in the next 30 years. but hopefully not.

  4. The pattern in California has been some aftershocks

    of much lower intensity.

    The worst is over, .. for now.

    Go almost change your pants. : )

  5. yes, there will be aftershocks but they are unlikely to be as strong. Sit down and breath. it'll be ok, the quake wasn't as strong as it felt in some areas

  6. yes

  7. That's one of life's great mysteries: if you feel an earthquake, is this a preshock to a bigger quake? Or, is this the main shock that will be followed by smaller aftershocks? And, if there's going to be another earthquake, when will it be and how big?

    Observation tells us that, after an earthquake, there is a certain percentage chance that another earthquake will occur within a certain amount of time. There is also a certain percentage chance that the quake we feel first is a preshock to another larger event.

    As time goes on without another earthquake occurring, the chances of an aftershock decreases. After about 48 hours following an earthquake, the chances of another one are extremely small (almost non-existent).

    Also, when you get these moderate earthquakes like this one, this releases some of the tension within the earthquake faults. This release prevents intense tension from building up, which - when released - would result in a much greater magnitude earthquake. So, while this one may have been scary, it was actually a good thing, because it will help prevent a major earthquake from occurring any time soon.

  8. Every day, someplace on the earth, there are MANY earthquakes.  Most of them aere so tiny that no one feels them.  they only know they happened because the scientisdts see the results in their instruments.

    Thera are also aftershocks -- smaller earthquakes caused by the first one.  Aftershocks can come days, even weeks, after the first bigger one.

    You didn't say where you live, but I guess that there WILL be more earthquakes.

    ADDED: I'll bet you live on Southern California.  the "earthquake site" says that there was a 5.8 there today.

    Living in souther california -- yes there WILL be more earthquakes.

  9. Yes, there is going to be a 9.5 at 11:30pm. This is no lie. Tell only who you love. Good luck.

  10. yes within the next TWENTY FIVE YEARS

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