
Is there high chances that mi girl is pregnant?

by Guest59332  |  earlier

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my girl & I had s*x last friday and when we finished we noticed that the condom had a little tear,,,and water drops bearly came out,,possible precum but far from ejaculation,,aprox 10 to 15 minutes,she took plan b 2 hours later & 12 hours after..second pill got humid by water before sualowed but nurses said to be fine,,is there a high risk of pregnancy because i am oddly worried=\




  1. Nah man, she's fine.

  2. No your probably fine.  

  3. Very very unlikely after taking plan b.  The chances would be very low in the first place even without that.  Good job being careful.

  4. no shes fine

  5. nope. you guys should be fine. just take a deep breath, calm down, and get some sleep.

  6. You're fine.

    Oh...plan B is not an abortion...dumbass

  7. I think you will be fine, seems like you have the bases covered.  

  8. Since you two were smart and she took plan b so soon after chances of her getting pregnant are very slim. You and her need to remain calm and she needs to not stress out because that can cause her to skip a period and think that she's pregnant. If she does skip her period then take a test two weeks afterward.

    And to *Aimiii*: Plan B is not an abortion - it keeps an egg from implanting so a  pregnancy never occurs. You may be thinking of another pill which causes a medical miscarriage

  9. 1. Calm down.

    2. You two were really smart to get the Plan B, and since nurse's told you that pill would be fine, and she took it, you'll be safe.

    3. You have no need to be worried she's pregnant, because you two were SAFE.

  10. probably not

  11. god ur fine

    plan b is an abortion

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