
Is there hope for my dream?

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I graduate from college the end of this year in aerospace engineering and ever since i was little i have always wanted to be an astronaut! i was reading how to become an astronaut but i have a problem, i dont have great vision. i have a lot of trouble from seeing from far away. I was reading that even if i get surgery i still cant go to space because the difference of the atmosphere will make me go blind. One of the main reasons why people dont make the space program is because of the physical. It is my ultimate dream to go to space. Does anyone know any formation on how to improve my eyes like special laser surgery or something, something that nasa will accept, if you can can you provide a link? Thank you.




  1. If u can dream it you can accomplish it my good man

  2. Well, if medical procedeure is advanced enough to

    fix the ol' 20-20s' there is a growing element of astronauticle

    expertise in the private sector.

    NASA are not the only guys around...... Russia sells tickets,

    France, Briton, Japan, China & etc. have some bold new

    plans in the works that are Big Business- oriented and


    If that does not pan out ...... Astronomy..... Research

    It iss your brain ve needt !! (Like the little K-ro syrup-slobb-

    ering belly prune-guy in "Total Recall".) "....... Your Minnnnd,.....

    open yourrrr miiinnnd !......")

    Lessee..... Paul Allen.... He financed the private space-flight  for NASAs' X Prize' :

    10 million bucks to the 1st. guy/gal in sub-orbit

    "Space ship One" launched from Mother-Ship,

    "White Knight"

    Richard Branson.... He founded 'Virgin Galactic' a privately

    run space tourist cruise company.

    On Oct. 4, 2004 deep in the Mojave Desert......

    Brian Binnie flew 'Space ship One' up to and beyond

    sub-orbit at the altitude of 377,591 feet (71 1/2 miles)

    on a stream of jet and rocket fire at (+,-) mach 3

    beat the USAFs' record of 354,200 feet achieved by

    Chuck Yeager in the venerable ol' X - 15!!

    If NASA don't......... Commercial will !

    Bigelow Aerospace.

    Owned by Robert Bigelow, a Nevada Millionaire hailin'

    from the Glow in the Desert, Las Vegas...... is ,in earnest,

    in full development of the privately-funded human space-

    flight project (and the now 50 Million samoahs -prize

    new X - project) With the 'Nautilus' - an inflatable orbital

    module as center of his space enterprise.

    Info can be found at.....  web site.

    Now I believe all this "exceede 17,000 mph to escape

    earths' gravity" is not necessary....... Just exceede ....

    'terminal velocity'! why escape so fast?  If everything

    falls at, wha?..... 300 or so mphs' why not 'simply'

    float up in huge blimps re-liquifying the helieum as the

    device(s) ascend fire off the space vehicles or engines

    of the 'blimp' until orbit is achieved while  accellerating

    to and maintaining (+,-) 500 mph!?!

    So it takes a day or two? Sure it's less dramatic.......

    however, the same result is achieved!!

    Well, there ya go ! It's my two cents worth.

  3. yes! there is always hope.

    I say go for the laser eye surgery and why would the difference in the atmosphere make only you go blind? inside a rocket it is oxygenated so you should be fine, your skin and eyes wont actually come in contact with the space atmosphere

  4. I think, if we speak about modern level astronauts, then it is no reason for agencies to launch people not in perfect physical condition. Whatever method of curing you chose, though it would be more risky to send you than someone else.

    But the more technology is advance, the less requirements for people it states. For example, nowadays airplanes allow even old people to fly on them.

    This is the future of the space vehicles too. And you profession is best choice!

  5. Sure! Space exploration is becoming a reality for a lot more people, and you just need to make lots of money and be filthy rich, and you too can be an astronaut!

  6. thats my dream too!! i suggest never give up to your dreams!! dont think that an eye problem can destroy your dreams!!!

  7. I'm in a similar position - final year aerospace engineering.  I gave up the dream of becoming an astronaut a while ago, partly due to the fact that I will always need glasses.  I'd say don't hold everything on just being an astronaut - an astronautical engineer is pretty cool too! Then you can save all your pennies to catch a virgin galactic flight! I reckon being in a control room when you see your design touch down/make successful mission would be a pretty d**n amazing feeling - that's my dream to feel that and be in that situation one day.

    If you really want to be an astronaut, all you can do is contact NASA and other space agencies and keep trying...

  8. Why NOT ?

    Dream itself is HOPE.

    My Friend,

    Put your Question in ‘Medicine’ category.

    Best of Luck ~

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