
Is there just, a Yes or a No?

by  |  earlier

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Do you believe that a 'maybe', is possiblity?

I think, nothing is by an accident. If if does, by design, by lack of time, by a lack of understanding...I try and rectify. Maybe, is acceptance of continued ignorance.




  1. i dissagree with the guy with glasses lol

    maybe and possibilty could both mean yes or no and some times accidents happen  people are not prefect  u drop a glass u dont do that out of ignorance ! ignorance means not knowing or not fully understanding it does not mean that if u do something wrong or do something on accident u are ignorent now does it  and no there are meany ways  to say yes and no if that is what u mean

  2. ya shayad maybe

  3. apart from yes n no there is one more thing that is when you are silent n unable to decide on y n no

  4. There can be all the 'maybes' you can manage to create...

    until you have to make the decision.

    Then it usually comes down to a 'yes' or a 'no'.

  5. Yes, maybe is a possibilty.

    Just not a confirmed yes.

  6. Mu

  7. YES

  8. May be = YES & MAY NOT BE = no

  9. oh, if you have studied metaphysics at all, then  you would know that there is never a yes or a no. a gray area always exists that can never be eliminated in any question. the only thing to distinguish is what the choice actually leans toward, if only partially.

  10. Life is unfortunately more complicated than any clear yes and no or black and white..... of course 'maybe' represents acceptance of ignorance, but then ignorance too is partial knowledge and we are not capable of total knowledge or total ignorance. Acceptance of this gray reality is wisdom and insisting on 'certainties' amounts to foolhardiness. A decision made by us in absolute favor of yes or no does not make anything completely certain one way or the other, even as we can not avoid making those decisions and taking the chance.

  11. That may be true.

  12. you get a 50/50 chance I think is a fare deal

  13. Maybe a YES, or probably a NO. ;-)

  14. I think it means ,yes but not as you think

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