
Is there life after death?

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i've had a few close people die recently.

i'm waking up each day looking at my life and wondering if i'm going to make it through to tomorrow.

i was raised in a christian household but i want to find God for myself.

I'm wondering what the majority opinion is out there.




  1. I am not sure what religion or denomination your household was, but I know that the christian religion teaches us that there is Heaven and h**l. So yes there is an after life. it is up to you to continue trying to find God and decided which one you wish to end up in.


  2. No life after death.  h**l, there is barely life after 10 p.m!!

  3. Unknown but a lot of people have had NDE's or near death experiences and every one of them has said they experienced something. Perhaps looking more deeply into this area may give you some peace of mind that you seek. God bless.

  4. no  one out there can give you an answer besides opinion. because well we're all still alive. so if you want my opinion here goes... i really want to believe that there is something more that good people will end up somewhere good and bad people will end up somewhere bad and there is alot of grey area there. who's knows whos right and wrong. what i do know is there is something called being happy and there's something called love and i strive for those things and they don't come easy but their worth dreaming about at night and waking up for the next morning. and you'll find that. the roads always bumpy

  5.   Im not certain.But I really dont want to know.I know there a SPIRITS! 100% of the way!

  6. Yes there is without a doubt in my mind. If I were to die this second, I would feel fine in the fact that I would be with God and Christ the following second.

    Thanks for the good question.


  7. Yes. If you want some answers, go to this website, and click on the Plan of Salvation (It's on the left hand side).  

  8. I'd like to think so.

    But I'm not sure.

    I like to think that the afterlife is a weird yet colorful place, like in those Tim Burton movies.

  9. dont think this is the best place to get answers if you were raised as a christian because it will lead you to many different opinions that will confuse you more, you should read up on it or ask in church depending on the type of answer you are looking for to make up your mind. you wil either get answers here either from athiests who believe in monkeys or believers who will say God is testing you.

    Really sorry for your loss

  10. well its all your choice.Also this is very i be live that there is  heaven.But again its all your choice.

  11. if you believe there is....

    it's not something with our resources that we can actually prove

  12. Death means "LIFE=OVER".

  13. Absolutely!

  14. Absolutely.  There are no gray areas here.  After your earthly life is over, you will spend your eternal life in one of two places.  It's up to you where that will be.  God bless you in your search for truth and fulfillment!

  15. hey go to this link ...

    and this link  ....

  16. I'm sorry for your losses.

    There is no good evidence for life after death though. The best evidence is that human beings are finite in time, and there is simply oblivion after death.

    That may not seem like a comfort, but there is no sorrow or unhappiness after death - just peace.

  17. I don't see any evidence to support an afterlife.

    The fact is, the question of an afterlife is totally unknowable.

  18. I know for a fact there is. Is Jesus calling you?

    My grandmother sat up in her hospital bed and described heaven. Then she started waving and calling to people, all 'dead'.

    I've had too many spiritual experiences to ever doubt the existence of God.


  19. Yes.  Death brings immediate heaven or h**l, depending only on whether you believe the Gospel of Jesus Christ in this life or not, so believe the Gospel of Jesus Christ for heaven and to avoid being sent to h**l.

    The Gospel of Jesus Christ is this: The truth is that the only way to be saved and to get into heaven and avoid being sent to eternal h**l is by believing in faith alone that Jesus, who is God, died for our sins on the cross and rose from the dead (1 Corinthians 15:1-4). Believe this and you are saved!

    Please pray now: "Jesus, please forgive me of my sins. I believe that You died on the cross for my sins and You rose from the dead. Thank You for eternal life!" You will be in heaven with Him forever when you die :)

  20. I believe there's life after death. But the whole God thing is a huge question for me.

  21. cple times i 'died',   the last time  i went thro the tunnel,  was sent back .

    soo    Yes life goes on.....

    trillions more also  agree with the 'there is the  next life........

    GOD so loved the world..... GOD gave HIS only begotten Son...

  22. Close your eyes. Ask yourself what you want there to be after life.

    Is it that we sleep from the moment we die until the moment that Jesus returns and we have no concept of time?

    Are your loved ones up in heaven and they're having a grand party? They're with their loved ones who have died before them and they are so happy to finally be with them again.

    Are they up in heaven and they are watching over you? Or maybe they can't see down from heaven at all.

    In the last year and a half I've had alot of death in my family, in my life. I have had to ask myself what comforts me the most.

    My father-in-law died recently. I picture him with my two precious babies, one in each arm, up in heaven. My dear grandfather, who suffered horribly before his death. He's in heaven and free of pain. They are all smiling down upon us and waiting for the day that we join them in heaven.

  23. there's defiantly life after death no doubt about it

  24. I don't know for sure of course, but it seems impossible that there woudln't be, and I speak from a scientific standpoint. In our universe energy can be converted and transformed but it can never disappear. Our universe is a closed system. Not one atom of energy can ever escape. It can be moved around and changed but it is always there. Its essence is always there. Eternal life is a law of physics, not merely an article of faith.

  25. I believe when you die your soul becomes part of the universe again

  26. 99% of all people believe in life after death.

    I do.

    God bless you.

  27. You won't know until that day comes and nobody, I mean nobody can tell you anything different. I speculate that death is a wormhole to another dimension.

  28. Yes, but not immediately after death.  

    The majority makes the teachings of Christ of no effect by man-made traditions.  

    One man-made tradition is that "good people go to heaven when they die and bad people go to h**l when they die."  

    This is taught generation after generation, parent to child, in hopes of scaring someone into being good.  But, it doesn't work, does it?  

    Isn't it time we transcended the fables of childhood?  

    No one has gone to heaven except the Son of man (John 3:13).  

    And h**l?  

    Request the booklet:  

    h**l Is A Lie!  

    Free from

    Where are the people who have died?  

    They are in their graves!

    "Marvel not at this, for the hour is coming, in which all that are in the graves shall hear his voice, and shall come forth; they that have done good unto the resurrection of life; and they that have done evil, unto the resurrection of damnation" (John 5:28-29).  

    The King James "damnation" is from the Greek word "krisis" meaning separating and contesting.  

    The "contesting" takes place in a second physical life after the 1000 years.  The vast majority of mankind is not being called now.  They are neither lost nor saved.  

    Some of the ones who are "contesting" in the future will still not repent.  And they will cease to exist.  The ones who do repent will be given eternal life.  The promise from God through Christ is eternal life, not heaven.  

    People in this life who have already repented will be given bodies that do not die (1 Corinthians 15:52-54).  The same thing will happen to people called later.  They will have their chance for salvation at that time.  Most will embrace it and thereby secure eternal life for themselves.  

  29. Never ever go with public opinion; read the Bible, believe it, live it.

    If we have received Christ as our Savior, we are saved.

    John 3:16 "For God so loved the world, that He gave His one and only Son, that whosoever believes in Him, shall not perish, but have eternal life."

  30. Sorry, but due to insufficient evidence, there is no afterlife..sorry

  31. There really is no proof supporting life after death.

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