
Is there life on another planet?

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Is there life on another planet?




  1. Definately speaking -- Who knows?

    So far, there is no -- absolutely none -- evidence of life anywhere except earth.

    Statistically, it seems that there should be, but so far Mars is the only place we've been able to examine even slightly.  And nothing has turned up.

    Elsewhere?? - - - - We haven't been able to actually SEE any other "earth-like" planets. We only deduce their presence through observation of gravitational effects on their suns (solar "wobble")  So there is no evidence of water, let alone cities or civilization.  And SETI (the Search for Extra-Terrestrial Intelligence) has turned up no radio signals.

    If there IS life on other planets, it is currently well-hidden.

    But out research techniques and tools are in their infancy.  And we have yet to send anyONE to Mars to do the search.  

    So don't give up hope.

  2. thats no if you belive in God it is a no if you belive man it is yes

  3. For those of you that just HAVE to believe in "aliens", the antichrist has something special in store for you.

    Google/youtube: "Project Bluebeam"

    "Aliens" just in time for 2012!

    Remember I told you this before it goes down...

  4. There could be.

    There doesn't have to be carbon. Just because life on Earth needs it does not mean other life forms do.

  5. Nobody knows.

  6. 100% there is life on other planets.

  7. It is definitely possible and most likely probable.

  8. Yes the most important thing you need  for live is water. Any planet with water will have some sort of life from plants to wierd looking fish.

  9. Yes, scientists say that on mars there is going to be life.

  10. Impossible to tell.  If there are other civilizations with advanced communications that can send radio signals, we are not picking them up with SETI.  If they are too primitive, SETI, which relies on radio broadcasts, could never detect them.  If they exist and use some other form of faster than light communication, we could not pick up those transmissions since we don't possess the technology.  Life itself is probably rather common.  But advanced, animal life is very likely very rare and intelligence is very very unlikely.

  11. The universe is so big, how can there not be life on another planet?

  12. I'm sure of it. An average galaxies has 100 billion stars. There are 100 million galaxies in the visible universe.

  13. If there is I hope it can control its inhumanity to man, not like the behave'yr as we are experiencing on this planet

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