
Is there life on mars? Phoenix mission?

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Mars is considered to be a last hope of life, Phoenix landed last month, what is the latest news?




  1. If you are interested in the progress of this lander, or its purpose (which is not to find life on Mars but to to examine the polar plains area), you will find it on the web at or the previous site you were given.

    Finding life (or no life) on Mars could take decades, but that is hardly a priority at the moment for NASA or any other agency except for few crackpots who expect to find little green men with two heads just behind that rock over there dubbed "the face".

  2. There is water on mars which means there could be or could have been life there.

  3. The Phoenix mission is covered on the Planetary Society's web log, in great detail, but in an easy to read way.

    Water ice has been discovered, and is being analyzed now.  It was expected, but it's nice to find what you're looking for.

  4. They said they found water the other day. Hope that helps!

  5. Mars is NOT considered to be the "last hope of life" just one of the several places in this solar system which might also have life. (Also potential on the moons Enceladus, Europa, Ganymede, maybe Titan.)

    Phoenix's job is NOT to look for life, but to determine if the Martian arctic has the conditions (including water ice) that COULD support or have supported life, and MAYBE be incredibly lucky enough to find samples frozen in the ice.  It is currently digging ice samples.

    Phoenix website is

  6. I dont think thye have found anything, yet. They have said that there may be somthing there but have said nothing. News hasnt made way 2 me yet!

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