
Is there media-protection for the John Edwards-love child story?

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Is it because editors across the board, etc. especcially Dem-leaning supporters -- KNOW that Obama's already chosen Edwards at the VP/running mate with the Convention mere weeks away? (is this interesting to anyone else?)




  1. The enquirer ratted him out months ago, and when he vehemently denied the allegations they proceeded to follow him 24/7 to "catch" him in the act.  Now that they have validation that he was hiding in a hotel, they are publishing this.  However, the only news outlet I have seen it on is Fox/and some gossip sites.

  2. The reporters for the media are spoon fed what to report.  I hate to say it but if you want true reporters it is hands down the enquirer, they get paid by the story, so better the story the more they make.

  3. Considering John Edwards' performance as VP in 2004 -- John Kerry is still disappointed about that one -- I don't think that's an issue. I haven't seen his name on any short lists for Vice President.

    We need some more proof on this one before it enters the mainstream. Glad to see some restraint shown so far.

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