
Is there medical reasons as to why you shouldnt try to conceive after a miscarriage?

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I had a miscarriage at 7 weeks. i want to conceive right away but i am getting mix signals from people on m choice.




  1. No, there is no medical reason. I had a miscarriage in the middle of December and on Jan 3 I found out I was three weeks pregnant. I didn't realize that after a m/c the body is VERY fertile. I was pregnant within a week after wards I did not have the time to really morn the lose of my child. Just make sure you and your mate are emotionally ready for another pregnancy. I am now almost due.  

  2. My first pregnancy ended in a miscarriage at 7 1/2 weeks. The ER doctor was a lady who said she personally had 3 miscarriages before and also has 3 children now and that after a miscarriage (as long as you've had a D&C or have completely passed all the tissue and cleared your uterus) there  is no reason why you can't start ttc again immediately.

    The OB who took care of my D&C surgery that next morning suggested waiting at least 3-5 months before trying again (he was a man), saying that you'll need time to heal emotionally and also after a miscarriage and a D&C your uterus lining is extremely thin and it can be hard for implantation to occur.

    My husband and I started trying again a week after my miscarriage and surgery. We however had no luck at all for 6 months, and I think that was extremely hard for us emotionally. Every month when my period would come again I would get very depressed and cry a lot. It didn't help matters that my cycle was not regular and when my period didn't come in 28 days, but 38 rather I would spend that time thinking that maybe I was pregnant again when I was not. Six months after my D&C my period was back to a 28 day cycle and that month we conceived. Now I'm a little over 29 weeks with a baby girl.

    It's really a personal decision on when you feel like you are emotionally and physically ready to try again.

    I'm sorry about your loss and wish you and your partner the best of luck!

  3. I  heard that u must wait atleast 2-3 months till the wall of uterus make its stability,ur hormons back to its normal level ur soul be ready and don;t become any preasure on ur body and internal orgons

  4. I am so very sorry for your loss and will keep you in my prayers. I wish you the best of luck in your future, and hope you get your own prayer a healthy baby to love! I hope your journey from here on out is only filled with tears of happiness!

    I have posted a few sites below with links to your question. One said as soon as your period returned to normal, and the other said 2-3 months/and when your body normalizes. I have also included a few support websites for people who have lost their little angels. Last but not least there was a beautiful poem I found that I pasted at the bottom.

    Here is a small blurb from one of the sites...

    "Your body"

    "Dr John Sussman, co-author of Trying Again: A Guide to Pregnancy After Miscarriage, Stillbirth and Infant Loss (Taylor Publications), says how long a woman should wait to get pregnant again really depends on the nature of the loss. "In general, she will need at least two to three months to be in optimal physical condition, and even longer after a full-term loss," says Sussman, chairman of the department of obstetrics and gynecology at New Milford Hospital in New Milford, Connecticut, and assistant clinical professor at the University of Connecticut School of Medicine. "She should wait until her periods have resumed, blood counts have normalized and her doctor has given the okay."

    If you had an ectopic pregnancy -- in which the fertilized egg implants in the fallopian tube or otherwise outside of the uterus -- Sussman says you and your caregiver should be extra cautious to make sure as early on as possible that your next pregnancy is in the womb. He adds, "There are generally no major physical problems to contend with after the initial recovery from [a] loss."

    Waiting to try again: Time as therapy

    Probably the biggest factor in helping you determine when you are ready to try for another baby is your heart and soul: You need time to grieve and to feel emotionally ready.

    Not everyone is ready to cope with another pregnancy right away.

    Trying again now: Conception as therapy

    The big question

    Are you ready to conceive once more? Whether it takes months or years for you to start trying again, let your own heart tell you when it's time. You're the only one who truly knows."

    "An Angel Never Dies"

    "Don't let them say I wasn't born,

    That something stopped my heart

    I felt each tender squeeze you gave,

    I've loved you from the start.

    Although my body you can't hold,

    It doesn't mean I'm gone,

    This world was worthy, not, of me,

    God chose that I move on.

    I know the pain that drowns your soul,

    What you are forced to face-

    You have my word, I'll fill your arms,

    Someday we will embrace.

    You'll hear that it was "meant to be,

    God doesn't make mistakes",

    But that won't soften your worst blow,

    Or make your heart not ache.

    I'm watching over all you do,

    Another child you'll bear,

    Believe me when I say to you,

    That I am always there.

    There'll come a time, I promise you,

    When you will hold my hand,

    Stroke my face and kiss my lips,

    And then you'll understand.

    Although I've never breathed your air,

    Or gazed into your eyes,

    That doesn't mean I never "was"--

    An angel never dies..... "

  5. i had a miscarriage is 2005 and i had 3 afterward because of my body not being healed yet. but then again with my first i was punched in the stomach. so i had a traumatic miscarriage. talk to your doc and see whats right for you/. having one miscarriage is bad enough, you don't want to keep having them. see if your doc will put you on something to strengthen your uterus. that whats my doc did. good luck

  6. miscarriage is a trumatic experience for any women. i had 2 miscarriages before conceiving my 2nd child. you know yourself better than anyone else. if you think your body is ready, why not. be mentally prepared of the outcomes. most importantly, get enough B12/folate before you try to conceive. that helps. good luck!  

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