I am doing a presentation in school, and I would be ever so grateful if I could get even a single drop of mercury to show as a prop. I am fully aware of how dangerous and lethal mercury is as well as its toxic nature. I am sure I will be very careful with it, and will bring it to school in an airtight bottle. (really tiny bottle) I read that nonelectrical thermostats have small vials that contain mercury, but I dont have a nonelectric thermostat. I dont have old thermometers that contain mercury either. My next option is that they would be inside batteries. I looked through many of the batteries that I have (they are all alkanine batteries) and most of them say they are Mercury free. I heard that cell phone batteries also have mercury. If so, how much, nad how can I remove it to show it as pure mercury. Any suggestions on a good presentation would be helpful. I already broke a few thermometers to see if it was mercury, but sadly, it was gallium.