
Is there mosquito repellent available in Vietnam ? which tradename?

by  |  earlier

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pls. give me in detail -ie price , company name , packaging ect. I am not vietnam resident .




  1. I am living in Vietnam. We use Soffell. It is made in Indonesia under the authority of the Singapore company"Fountain of Youth Pte" (I kid you not). Anyway, it is effective and really cheap compared with brands we used to buy in the UK, costing about 70 cents US for a small 70 ml bottle. It come in a floral fragrance, but the one I like best is orange zest. It is a white cream that rubs in easily and does not make you feel sticky. You can buy it in any pharmacy over here.

  2. Bring one from the US, "OFF" is the name.  In VN,   Johnson&Johnson is the brand for the repellent, but it doesn't work.  (some how.....the skin....or the scent from the repellent brought more bit us, but not our sister and nieces who residenced there....LOL, even with the one we brought from US.  Bring "dau nuoc xanh", put it on after the bite to prevent infection and try not to scratch.  Have fun.

  3. who care wat tradename....just buy the one tat say "mosquito repellent" lol...

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