
Is there no chance of hillary clinton being vice president for obama?

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is there no chance of hillary clinton being vice president for obama?




  1. Who knows? Maybe she will! Senator Obama will have to way the pros and cons of her on the ticket and then make his decision. That's Life! There are no perfect answers!

  2. Hopefully Nooooooooooo

  3. Man we don't want Hillary as VP! I'm looking forward to voting for her in 2012 after Obama fails terribly as President and or McCain decides to retire.

  4. There is a great chance but Hillary and Obama are still at odds after the prolonged war.

  5. No chance, Mrs. (Chip on her shoulder) Obama wouldn't allow it.

  6. It's remotely possible for political reasons, but a disaster in practical terms.  Would you want to head a company while having daily briefings with the wife of the last company head?  Especially if you thought that for eight years the two of them accomplished less then half of what they should?  Or you had been in a power struggle with the wife for years?  Or if your entire campaign were based on the fact the company management needed new blood from the outside at the top?  It would make for a very *very* long four to eight years, I suspect.

  7. That is correct, there is no chance as they are polar opposites

  8. Hillary  Clinton  should  be  vice president -

      she  earned the  job - 1000 times   fold .

  9. There's a possibility.  We know that around 20 names were being tossed around and discussed by the search committee, but we don't know who those 20 people are or how seriously they're being considered.  There will likely be increasing pressure on Barack to choose Hillary and it's possible that will happen at the end of the search.

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