
Is there no happy medium?

by  |  earlier

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My boyfriend wants me to go to social events, parties, birthdays, car cruises, etc. with him even though he knows I have a very quiet personality that I can't change. (I've tried). When people find out how quiet I am, they comment about it in a negative way. But, if I don't go to anything social with my boyfriend, his friends and family get mad at me for not going. So, I'm not happy either way. What am I supposed to do?




  1. Relationships are about sacrifice.  If each person only does what he/she wants to do, a relationship is not going to work AT ALL.  You need to make some sacrifices and go to the parties/events/etc. In turn, he needs to sacrifice some of those times and just sit at home with you and do what YOU want to do (or at least let you choose to do so without getting mad).  I suggest that you sit down and talk with him about that.

  2. Go when you feel like and don't when you don't....I am the same way...but I do take cymbalta and this has helped my social anxiety a ton!

  3. Fake it.  Go out and try being a character for a while.  I used to be like that until I created a fictional character that was the opposite of me.  It helped me through parties and social events.  Like that I would convince myself that I'm in a play.

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