
Is there no taxi queue at Gare Montparnasse or am I just clueless???

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When I arrived at Gare Montparnasse this morning, I did not see ONE sign for taxis, except for reserved cabs. I went outside, looked around, asked and found...nothing. I even tried to chase a couple down but they were gone.

I've lived in Paris and speak French so it wasn't a language thing. Luckily, Rillifane said that the métro takes 17 minutes and I had tickets so I scampered downstairs and we made it to Gare de l'Est with ten minutes to spare and didn't miss our next train. Thanks Rillifane! It was very stressful with three kids in tow and that long, long walk through the tunnel.

Gare de l'Est had tons of cabs on Thursday when we left but nada at Montparnasse going home.

If I hadn't had the métro tickets, for sure we would have missed our train but why couldn't I find a cab? What's the secret at Montparnasse??




  1. you see... one hour was enough by metro :-)

  2. You're welcome.

    As has already been said, the cab rank is hard to see from the front of the building. Here is a map which will make the location clearer:

  3. When you have the train behind you, go on your left (to the "Quick" restaurant). In front of the "Quick" go on your left. Walk along the train (or dock), and you'll see a sign on your right.

  4. I found the best way, was to cross to the restaurant across from the main entrance, and ask them to call one.

    There is a possibility that you might find one lurking in the coach parking bays outside main entrance.

  5. The taxi line at the gare Montparnasse is on the left when you go out, past the plaza, past the bus line. Impossible to see from the station doors.  I agree, if you don't know where they are you can't see them.

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