
Is there nothing Obama could do to make his flock of sheep disown him?

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If he told them he helped William Ayers bomb the pentagon, sold crack to school children, or told us he helped write Wright's sermon GDing America, wouldn't libs still adore him? Is there no line he can cross to lose their vote?




  1. No.  No there is not.

  2. is a religion with them...

  3. If he has an affair with Sarah Palin he will have my respect as a brother. But he will loose my vote.

    Do the Alaska Independence group wear confederate uniforms at their meetings.

  4. If he becomes republican, at that point I'm done.

  5. No, that's the whole point.  Dems WANT the American people to be reliant on them, becuase it's only when you are totally reliant on something that you'll do anything that person/group tells you to do.

  6. Of course not. The little lambs will never talk baahhhhk to the anointed one. They idolize their shepherd and know that if they did leave, they would never find their own way back. Plus, they tried so hard to build this guy up into a messiah, that they would be the laughing stock if they realized just how misguided they were and we tried to tell them this all along.

  7. Pretty much..yours plus...

    he is barely American, and there is an investigation into his birth records

    He admits to using cocaine through HS and college

  8. I don't understand.  What has been done to make us want to disown Obama? It's not like he agrees with Bush 90% of the time.  It's not like his VP pick disagrees with most of what he believes in.  If he told us he helped William Ayers bomb the pentagon, sold crack to school children, or told us he helped write Wright's sermon, I'd say well at least he disagrees with Bush. This question is so ignorant that it really doesn't require an answer. Of course there are things he can do to make us change our mind (agree with old McBush tactics) but he's not going to do them.  If McPalin endorsed Obama would cons still support him?

  9. Yeah...........he could endorse McCain or say America is as strong today as it was 8 years ago economically. You know like Bush and McCain.

  10. Tell them he decided he don't want to be president


    Cause he has enough troubles in his life already


    And think about it as soon as either one of them is elected they will be on the chopping block


    One can not remember things the other does not know how to do his job


    Why do you think no body that should be running for president wanted to

    because their Mom and Dad did not raise a stupid child


  11. Yes, tell them he is going to install the draft,, they would drop him like a hot potato,,, lol He said no military option is off the table. He did say the surge worked, McCain is right.

  12. Sorry! that's just a dream for Repubs for him to say them things, but we don't have to worry because it won't happen. We know who we believe in, and we know who the better candidate is. Maybe you should really look at the other side of the story and stop walking around with those horse blinders on.

  13. Do you enjoy being a slave? If you vote for Obama then I know your answer. That's what will happen if he is elected, you will be working a lot more for the government than you do now. And you think he is for the middle class and poor, ha! They will pay the price the most because higher taxes don't just affect the people they claim it will it affects everyone. A simple economics class would show that. That should be a required course in HS. McCain/Palin '08!

  14. Not really, just like the flock of sheep for McCain.

    And the comment above mine, made me chuckle a little.  I am going to give a thumbs up for that.  Using religion in a non-republican sense.

  15. Of course not.  Sheep need to be fed, and his sheep all live on the government through welfare and medicare.  He's promising them more.

  16. I wasn't going to dignify the question with an answer...but, I just can't help myself.

    I don't suppose it's any shock that the main demographic of Obama's "sheep" are educated people.  

    Thus explains the question.

    Um...and Bones  There is NO issue with his birth certificate (please educate yourself) and good ole George W did a ton of blow in college too....try again!

  17. Just hold your nose and vote if you want the same old c**p from the government.  Both Obama and McCain will bankrupt us.

  18. There were Republicans on that board with William Ayers.  What a ridiculous talking point.

  19. Frustrated?? At seeing unity?

    That is sad if you live in the "United States of America"

    People are speaking out-- stating they are SICK & TIRED of the same old c**p!

    Bush has basically pushed the people to this point!  

  20. I'm not sure what your getting at here.

    What did he do?

  21. Liberals consider obama to be their messiah, and he can do no wrong. The facts presented of his wrongdoing are ignored by the liberal media, and spun to make him look like a hero. such is liberal ideology.

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