
Is there now a 'Nobel Prize' for fairy tales?

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Most of the world's top scientists DO NOT subscribe to global warming. Gore's movie, 'An Inconvenient Truth' is full of lies. So how did he ever end up with a Nobel prize for it? This says something for the Nobel society, is it still a valid society?

Interested in your views. Mine is that Gore is full of c**p, just like his lying, pathetic attempt at film making. His movie is so full of lies it is not allowed to be shown in British schools any more. (Please...don't mention the polar bears. I live in Canada and know about them....their numbers are higher than they have ever been except the west coast of Hudson's Bay, where issues not related to warming have caused a decrease.)




  1. I agree.

  2. No there is not.

    I agree that Al Gore should not have won the Nobel PEACE prize, but his work has been important.  Like many across the globe he has brought man made climate change to the attention of people.  Climate change is a fact and has been since the earth had an atmosphere.  It is also a fact that the rate of climate change now seen is due to man made influences.

    For the record, the film can be shown in British Schools, and has been described by the judge as "broadly accurate",...

    I know that the person asking this question is going to pick an answer based on his views, but for those with an open mind, please look at the facts, and look at all the facts.

    Yes SOME of those who argue that the rate of climate change we are seeing now use questionable arguments.  But all those who deny that man is behind the rate of climate change we are seeing now also are using questionable facts.

  3. Because like every thing else the almighty dollar has it's influence

  4. Most of the world's top scientists DO NOT subscribe to global warming because their own countries are the criminals and they are arbaters only.

    Therefore there nothing new that they shall continue to oppose the idea that risks their fat salary and other benefits.

    The scientist are always in the habit of giving prescriptions to poor countries in sell their conscience to the highest bidder.

    They can sell their mother to the highest bidder what to talk about global warming?

  5. You sound upset.

  6. Answer: You are correct..all the way around!

    Example... A top hurricane forecaster called Al Gore "a gross alarmist" Friday for making an Oscar-winning documentary about global warming.

    "He's one of these guys that preaches the end of the world type of things. I think he's doing a great disservice and he doesn't know what he's talking about," Dr. William Gray said in an interview with The Associated Press at the National Hurricane Conference.

    Example #2: A survey of the Polar Bear numbers in Canada's eastern Arctic has revealed that they are thriving, not declining, because of mankind's interference in the environment.

    In the Davis Strait area, a 140,000-square kilometre region, the polar bear population has grown from 850 in the mid-1980s to 2,100 today.

    "There aren't just a few more bears. There are a h**l of a lot more bears," said Mitch Taylor, a polar bear biologist who has spent 20 years studying the animals.

    You and I can stand on mountain tops and spread the truth...But liberal fascists will give the likes of Gore face and air time to spread their lies.

  7. im english and dont know much about gore but im sick of hearing about global warming and i dont know much about it so i suppose im really uneducated in this area but then in education there are always new ideas and different views

  8. no. atleast fairy tales have a basic truth to them.  algores c**p is nothing but communist lies.  he is just continuing his dad's commie lineage

  9. Global warning applies only to politicians and not to scientists.  Thus, the scientists were deprived of the award that goes to a loser of the US Presidential Election - Al Gore.

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