
Is there one program/book to be a science teacher?

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I have over 30 textbooks and I'll have to buy more books for each class that I take!!! Isn't there a good set of books or program to be a science teacher out there??? I heard the Japanese have thin books which makes sense since the information in all my books overlap!!!




  1. Yep, welcome to college.

    No, there's no one book; in order to be certified as a classroom teacher, you have to take all sorts of courses - many of which will have nothing to do with your chosen subject.  They'll be on subjects like classroom management, pedagogy, how to deal with bureaucratic idiocy...oh, I mean standards and testing, etc.

    Sorry about that.  Unfortunately, you'll need to buy the textbooks for each class.  The profs design their own classes, they don't get together to compare textbooks; therefore, they each require their own books.

    Honestly though, you'd need to do this with any major.  I studied to be a linguist and probably spent as much on my books as I did for tuition.  (Not quite, but it sure felt like it.)  :)

  2. What you will find in your trek to be a teacher is that no one can produce a one-size-fits-all answer to teaching. Your kids are individuals with unique needs. You cannot buy a curriculum that will meet this, and there are no programs.

    You need to become expert enough that *you* can quickly identify those needs and meet them - as well as remediating and pushing their limits.

    When you get your eventual classroom - you will be given the key and nothing more. many newer teachers come to the profession with the expectation that the district will provide their curriculum as well - it will not happen. YOU need to do all the planning. That is teaching. you'll learn it soon enough.

  3. How could you think there would be only one book to cover science? There are so many facets of science.  Knowledge is power and power will come in many different books.

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