
Is there only one native tree of Britain?

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Is there only one native tree of Britain,if so which one?




  1. hia i found this for you as i was interested myself! i thought is was only oak and willow but theres quite a few lol! least i was right with the two i thought of tho!

    Listed below are the 33 species of tree native to the British Isles. Some of the names are linked to files carrying more information.

    Note: this is a new section on the UK Safari site, and more pages are being added regularly.

    1.  Scots Pine - Pinus sylvestris

    2.  Bay Willow - Salix Pentandra

    3.  Alder - Alnus glutinosa

    4.  Hazel - Corylus avellana

    5.  Small Leaved Lime - Tilia cordata

    6.  Bird Cherry - Prunus padus

    7.  Goat Willow - Salix caprea

    8.  Wych Elm - Ulmus glabra

    9.  Rowan Mountain Ash - Sorbus aucuparia

    10. Sessile Oak - Quercus petraea

    11. Juniper - Juniperus communis

    12. Downy Birch - Betula pubescens

    13. Silver Birch - Betula pendula

    14. Aspen - Populus tremula

    15. Ash - Fraxinus excelsior

    16. Holly - Ilex aquifolium

    17. Common or Pedunculate Oak - Quercus robur

    18. Hawthorn - Crataegus monogyna

    19. Crack Willow - Salix fragilis

    20. Black Poplar - Populus nigra

    21. Yew - Taxus baccata

    22. Whitebeam - Sorbus aria

    23. Midland Hawthorn - Crataegus leavigata

    24. Crab Apple - Malus sylvestris

    25. Wild or Gean Cherry - Prunus avium

    26. Strawberry Tree - Arbutus unedo

    27. White Willow - Salix alba

    28. Field Maple - Acer campestre

    29. Wild Service Tree - Sorbus torminalis

    30. Large Leaved Lime - Tilia platyphyllos

    31. Beech - Fagus sylvatica

    32. Hornbeam - Carpinus betulus

    33. Box - Buxus sempervirens

  2. No, I highly doubt it. For more, see:

  3. There are 33 native British tree species.

  4. The Royal Horticultural Society lists nearly 90 native tree species

    The isles have many native trees that are common to Europe as well as Britain however there are some that are endemic. They are found only in the British Isles. Mostly these are species of Whitebeam (Sorbus) with 14 species found in small, regional populations. Plus there is one endemic Elm species (Ulmus plotii) called Plot's Elm found only in England & Wales. The rest may be found native to Britain and parts of Europe.

    British Natural History Museum lists the same native &/or endemic species as the RHS but tells you which is endemic

    Try the guide ‘Planting Native Trees and Shrubs’ by  Jarrold

  5. No! There are 33 native British tree species.

  6. how should i know i don't live lin britany but i do live somewhere else.

  7. im not sure, but i bet its g*y :D

  8. Well, no.

    We cut it down three months ago and sold it to China

  9. No silly. Where do you think Johnn y Appleseed came from-lol?

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