
Is there only one true religion?

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the bible says theres only one,what do the scriptures say?




  1. Jesus is the way- the only way.

    John 14:6

    Jesus said to him, “I am the way, the truth, and the life. No one comes to the Father except through Me.

  2. Yes!!!

    You will know when you see it.

  3. Jugding by your picture I guess your an older woman.I always imagine kids and teens asking questions on Yahoo.

    So I guess I'll answer this to the best of my 19-year-old experience,I believe that there is no one write religion.The relationship you have with God and how important he is to you is what matters.No one religion.

    For example,just because Susan goes to church does not mean she is saved.Susan needs to have a 'real' relationship with God like a best friend.

  4. everyone will say there religion is the true one

  5. Yes there is only only one true religion and that is christianity.

    Believe the Bible and base your life on it.  

    No extra man made things are true.   The Muslims believe in a false Glod, The Catholics believe when they take communion the bread turns into Jesus' body and the wine his blood.   How stupid is that?  They also  think that doing good deeds can buy their way to heaven (nonsense) .

    Any religions that have man made rules are not true religions.

  6. Yes theres only one true religion n dat is Islam......If u say that one true religion is christianity n u have to follow the bible and the Jesus n let me make one thing clear

    In Islam theres only one Holy Book Qur'an which has NO....not even a sinlge contradiction while in Bible u will find about 42 contradiction

    Not even a single word from Qur'an has been changed from the time it was revealed But Bible was edited many times by many people

    Islam shows a true way of living n so does Qur'an

    The Jesus , which u believe is the son of the God , cleary denied that he is NOT the son of God

    Infact Jesus himself was a follower of Islam

    He was sent by Allah as a messenger on the earth to spread the awareness of the religion Islam

    People say that Islam religion is for loser while ur so-called son of God himself was the follower of this wud u still say that Jesus is a loser ( Astakfirullah )

    The otehr scripture like Qur'an says thers only true religion which will lead u to the right way and thats Islam

    Islam is NOT harsh on its people, It shows them the right way

    Drinking alcohol , having s*x with women n men b4 marriage , revealing ur body are not the right way of living which the people follow

    The right way is to not Drink alcohol , not to see n men n women with bad intentions , not to reveal body wearing tight clothes.Whoso ever reveals their body , they wont even have access to the fagrance of heaven

    These things are what our Islam teaches us.......The right and thw good way.Our and Your Lord , Allah is very Kind and Forgiving.

    Not to be mentioned if u still think christianity is best then let me remind u again , Jesus never preached christianity.He was a true follower of Islam.

    There was no religion as Christianity till our beloved Jesus was alive.While he was alive he only taught about Islam n NOT about chirstianity

    His real name is not Jesus..its Isa.....A muslim man n a muslim name.the Name Jesus was given his followers who will surely abide in h**l ever.

  7. That depends on what type of scriptures you are referring to and it maybe that the hieroglyphics enshrined in the tombs of the Pharaohs maybe just as good too in a religious sense.

  8. "Kinds of Fanaticism

    There are fanatics of various kinds. Some people are wine fanatics and cigar fanatics. Some think that if men gave up smoking cigars, the world would arrive at the millennium. Women are generally amongst these fanatics. There was a young lady here one day, in this class. She was one of a number of ladies in Chicago who have built a house where they take in the working people and give them music and gymnastics. One day this young lady was talking about the evils of the world and said she knew the remedy. I asked, "How do you know?" and she answered, "Have you seen Hull House?" In her opinion, this Hull House is the one panacea for all the evils that flesh is heir to. This will grow upon her. I am sorry for her. There are some fanatics in India who think that if a woman could marry again when her husband died, it would cure all evil. This is fanaticism.

    When I was a boy I thought that fanaticism was a great element in work, but now, as I grow older, I find out that it is not.

    There may be a woman who steals and has no objection to taking someone else’s bag and going away with it. But perhaps that woman does not smoke. She becomes a smoke fanatic, and as soon as she finds a man smoking, she strongly disapproves of him, because he smokes a cigar. There may be a man who goes about cheating people; there is no trusting him; no woman is safe with him. But perhaps this scoundrel does not drink wine. If so, he sees nothing good in anyone who drinks wine. All these wicked things that he himself does are of no consideration. This is only natural human selfishness and one-sidedness.

    Fanaticism Is a Disease

    You must also remember that the world has God to govern it, and He has not left it to our charity. The Lord God is its Governor and Maintainer, and in spite of these wine fanatics and cigar fanatics, and all sorts of marriage fanatics, it would go on. If all these persons were to die, it would go on none the worse.

    Do you not remember in your own history how the "Mayflower" people came out here, and began to call themselves Puritans? They were very pure and good as far as they went, until they began to persecute other people; and throughout the history of humanity it has been the same. Even those that run away from persecution indulge in persecuting others as soon as a favorable opportunity to do so occurs.

    In ninety cases out of a hundred, fanatics must have bad livers, or they are dyspeptics, or are in some way diseased. By degrees even physicians will find out that fanaticism is a kind of disease. I have seen plenty of it. The Lord save me from it!

    My experience comes to this, that it is rather wise to avoid all sorts of fanatical reforms. This world is slowly going on; let it go slowly. Why are you in a hurry? Sleep well and keep your nerves in good order; eat right food, and have sympathy with the world. Fanatics only make hatred. Do you mean to say that the temperance fanatic loves these poor people who become drunkards? Fanatics are fanatics simply because they expect to get something for themselves in return. As soon as the battle is over, they go for the spoil.

    Fanaticism versus Love

    When you come out of the company of fanatics you may learn how to really love and sympathize. And the more you attain of love and sympathy, the less will be your power to condemn these poor creatures; rather you will sympathize with their faults. It will become possible for you to sympathize with drunkards and to know that they are also human beings like you.1 You will then try to understand the many circumstances that are dragging them down, and feel that if you had been in their place you would perhaps have committed suicide.

    I remember a woman whose husband was a great drunkard, and she complained to me of his becoming so. I replied, "Madam, if there were twenty millions of wives like yourself, all husbands would become drunkards." I am convinced that a large number of drunkards are manufactured by their wives. My business is to tell the truth and not to flatter anyone. These unruly women from whose minds the words bear and forbear are gone for ever, and whose false ideas of independence lead them to think that men should be at their feet, and who begin to howl as soon as men dare to say anything to them which they do not like--such women are becoming the bane of the world, and it is a wonder that they do not drive half the men in it to commit suicide. In this way things should not go on. Life is not so easy as they believe it to be; it is a more serious business!

    We must have not only faith but also intellectual faith. To make a person take up everything and believe in it, would be to make him or her a lunatic. I once had a book sent me, which said I must believe everything told in it. It said there was no soul, but that there were gods and goddesses in heaven, and a thread of light going from each of our heads to heaven! How did the writer know all these things? She had been inspired, and wanted me to believe it too; and because I refused, she said, 'You must be a very bad man; there is no hope for you!" This is fanaticism." - Swami Vivekananda.

  9. there is only one thing in this world worth follow--rationality and logic--when one follows one of the many religions in the world the stubborn adherence to falsifiable dogma is quite sad indeed.

  10. There is only one true church. In the bible it said that the his church

    was the church of God. his church has teachers pastures, prophets and teachers.

  11. the bible says there is only one true church and that is the church of Christ.  please note that he is not referring to actual names, but to a body of people who live by the Word.

  12. It really doesn't matter what the scriptures say. The Bible has been rewritten too many times and people are going to take from it what they believe. Whether catholic, jewish, methodist, etc. they will say that THEIR religion is the one true religion.

  13. Yes, there is one doctrine of God as God is one. There is only one true religion. The true religion is not new. The people who have the true religion are prophets of God till the last prophet. Prophet performed miracle as proof of their prophet-hood.Have a look in Islam, we do passover, passover was practiced by Jesus and old prophets, we are circumcised , Jesus too was when he 8 years old.  

  14. The only true religion is believing in Christ, accepting him as your savior, repenting of your sins, getting baptized and being obedient.  

  15. God is too big to fit into just 1 religion.  What if we ALL are wrong?

  16. Yes , that is what the bible says.

    Matthew 7:13&14 ....Enter through the narrow gate. For wide is the gate and broad is the road that leads to destruction, and many enter through it. 14 But small is the gate and narrow the road that leads to life, and only a few find it.

    Eph Lord, one faith, one baptism;

  17. I haven't read anywhere in the bible that says there is only one true religion, I have read where it says there is only one true God, not religion.

    The only Truth to be found is in one's own heart, no where else, that is where God lives.  That is the True church.

    There is no Truth to be found in religion, any of them.....

  18. The Holy Scriptures DO say this, you are right.

    How to tell which one is true though:

    Love is a distinguishing feature of true worship.

    Jesus likened finding true worship to finding the right road and choosing to walk on it. It is the only road that leads to everlasting life. Jesus said: “Go in through the narrow gate; because broad and spacious is the road leading off into destruction, and many are the ones going in through it; whereas narrow is the gate and cramped the road leading off into life, and few are the ones finding it.” (Matthew 7:13, 14)

  19. None of them are 'true'.

  20. my bible says there is 4. christianity is not one of them

  21. Why do you call the TRUTH, "religious bias c**p?"

    Because that's what it is, the TRUTH.


  22. There is only one absolute truth.

    Whether any religion is even close to that truth is hard to say.

    I seriously doubt they are even close.

  23. God told his people to raise up a child in the way he should go and he will not depart from it. He was talking to fathers, and they did what he said. He was talking about the laws he laid down for them to follow.

    We today do our best to follow Jesus, who explained exactly what God intended.

    Learn the truth, find and feed my sheep!


  24. one Lord,one faith,one baptism,one God and one Father of all.

  25. No religion is true.

    *my god is better then yours* deal

  26. Yes and according to Republicans it is the almighty dollar.

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