
Is there passport/visa checks while travelling between Belfast and Dublin??

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Is there passport/visa checks while travelling between Belfast and Dublin??




  1. No there isn't.  There are no pasport controls on roads between EU countries.

  2. Due to the peace process the British Army checkpoints are now all gone.This is where all the delays and checks were made when crossing the "Border" as we Irish citizens call it.You can travel without hinderance.

  3. U must be joking - how did all those terrorists get around in the 70's.  No passport control at all.

  4. No. Anglo Irish agreements allow movement between UK and Eire without immigration checks.

  5. Bring Valid ID, ie passport or drivers liscence in case you get stopped, but very lenient nowadays, as it should have always been. the border has disapated....

  6. No, however, the authorities have the occasional blitz

  7. NO

  8. Although there is obviously a border, sometimes it can be hard to find, especially if you are not on the main roads.... There is no official border checks, but you can be stopped along the way if the officials think that you may be trying to enter the country illegally. If you are an EU citizen or have a valid visa there will be no problem. Tis probably best to bring ID with you, in the very unlikely event you are stopped.

  9. No Passport needed and no Visa either.....Jim (Dublin)

  10. No i drove from belfast to dublin last year. No passport control just you notice the change in currency as you drive along on signs.Lovely country with lovely people you will have a lovely time.

  11. Nope, although do bring your passport and visa with you.

    Traveller from Canada living in Ireland

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