
Is there people in our government conspiring to turn our country into a communist nation.?

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is there a organization called the illuminati that control our finacial instutions.




  1. this is sad

  2. Either you've been under a rock since 1960, or you are playing dumb.....

    YES... there is a VAST movement within the Democratic Party to move America to a Communist model.

    Per the philosopher Karl Marx... Socialism is the PATH to the ultimate goal of Communism.

    Check out the history of the ACLU - "communism is the goal"

    Check out the history of Clinton-appointed SCOTUS judge, Ruth Bader Ginsburg and her OPEN support for communist organizations.

    Google "1963 communist goals for America" and read WHAT HAS be adopted so far (and ask yourself which party has done it).

    YES...  YES.... 100 times yes.... there are MANY in our government who are trying to destroy us from within.

    That's why we need to keep people like Obama AND Clinton from ever getting more power.

  3. Absolutely, but their goal of one world government leans more towards socialism. It will be an iron-fisted totalitarian government all the same. Google the 13 families to learn more about their real agenda. It's very evil and must be stopped!

  4. That question is paradoxical. The illuminati would want power for themselves. Communism is a society where all wealth and resources are shared equally. Both ideas could not work together.

  5. Just another urban myth!

  6. It's no longer 1952, Senator McCarthy.

  7. Perhaps not a communist nation but certainly a socialist nation with Marxist tendencies.  This is what is at the heart of the idea of wealth redistribution, i.e., taking assets from people who have earned them and redistributing them to people who have earned nothing.  The result will be pretty much the same if we allow this to happen.

  8. Don't worry about the illuminati (if they even exist), but there are people in our government who are trying to turn the U.S. into a communist nation.  One poster already mentioned the ACLU and Supreme Court Justice Ruth Bader Ginsberg, but there are others -- and Hillary Clinton is one of them.  The jury is still out on Barack Obama...

  9. The going trends within the democrat party are very left leaning.  The effort seems to be making us a Socialist Democracy.  Presently, there is not a single model of economic success among socialist democracies.

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