
Is there plenty of calcuim in meat?

by  |  earlier

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what other vitamins are in it?




  1. No.

  2. I don't believe they took a wrong turn in categories.  I do however believe that this proves what we say...*wink*

  3. I believe you took a wrong turn at the categories.

  4. no, why?

    You shouldn't eat meat; its bad for you, your health, animals, and the environment. You can find calcium in other things such as calcium-enriched orange juice, cereals, and soymilk. (and in other things - just look it up online)

  5. Meat is actually very healthy for you, as much as the ignorant vegetarians would like you to believe otherwise.  Think about it:  If humans were to eat the perfect diet, one filled with exactly the right amount of vitamins, minerals, protein- types of protein too- etc, what would we eat?  We would eat human meat.  Your body filters out the unusable things, and builds with the useful things, so if we ate other humans, then we would be getting the exact nutrient requirements.  Since no one wants to be a cannibal, meat is the next best thing.  Meat has plenty of protein, and is an excellent source of zinc, iron, CALCIUM, phosphorus, and many many others!

  6. No, there isn't, and not only that, but a high protein diet, especially derived from animal foods, causes calcium loss in the body. The higher sulphur-to-calcium ratio of meat increases calcium excretion, and a diet rich in meat can cause bone demineralisation.

    And vitamins you won't find in meat, but in fruit and vegetables - sorry to disappoint you. ;)

  7. No. There's a lot of protein.

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