
Is there polygamy in missouri?

by Guest577  |  earlier

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Is there polygamy in missouri?




  1. Its not legal in the civil law, but it is completely out of the states jurisdiction when its a patriarchal marriage. Usually this entails a bride price and a dowry. There is no marriage license involved which is what gives jurisdiction to the state, Only a contract between the husband (or suitor) and the father of the bride. The woman in question is little more than property, however it is usually written in the contract that in the event of divorce the wife keeps half of the husbands property, and all property owned by the woman before the marriage is untouchable to the husband.

    This protects the woman, also when the husband has to pay for the bride (100,000 bucks is not unusual) He is more likely to appreciate what he has paid for.

    Whether any of this is right or wrong is none of my business. But I certainly believe that its none of the states business at all.

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