
Is there racism in Germany? Will I be safe?

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Hi, some may think this is a silly question to ask because there is racism everywhere. I have never really considered going to germany because my dad has been there a long time ago and being black they had to be escorted around frankfurt for their safety!

But assuming things have changed a little . . . do you think I would be safe to visit? My husband is white, I'm black and we don't want to be looking behind our backs every minute, we just want to go somewhere and actually enjoy it.

Last year in the news they said black people shouldn't go to the football matches, because people were being hurt etc, of course this doesn't help the way I feel about going there.

I know there black people there, but would an interracial couple be safe, in big cities? Frankfurt, dusseldorf, hamburg, berlin? or should we just forget about it?




  1. Hi

    I cannot say much about the whole of Germany, but I have recently returned from a trip of Frankfurt, and I am brown, non-Caucasian. I wandered all day, all by myself and I did not face any problem. In fact I found the German people all cooperative and welcoming. Even though they did not speak much English, each time I was stranded on the way, they tried to help me out. I have seen people of all races and nations wandering on the streets of Frankfurt. Of course some people told me that there are some problems in Berlin, but I never got time to visit and experience it first hand.

  2. "Is it safe" ?

  3. Hi!

    My husband is Norwegian and I `m from South America.

    Your question is not silly at all, I´ve been afraid of the same thing myself before I came to live in Europe.

    Things have changed a lot, of course there is racism everywhere, but most Europeans are open minded. I´ve been living in Scandinavia for two years now, and I was never told anything negative or racist.The first months I lived here I thought everyone looked at me at the street, but that was only in my head (paranoia).

    I`ve also been to Frankfurt as a tourist for two days and everything was just fine. They serve great breakfasts in Germany!

    The only thing I noticed is that people are a bit more "shy", the don`t talk so much, but it`s a characteristic of their culture.

    Another thing you have to know is that there are millions of inmigrants in Europe(including many African Arabs and another Muslims races, even in Scandinavia) so please don`t think people will look at you for your skin color because everyone is different here.

    Have a nice trip!

  4. Hi! My husband and I live in Kaiserslautern, Germany. We are both African American!. I understand your concern because you're right racism is everywhere. However, we travel all over Germany...Berlin, Hannover, Koln(Cologne), Munchen(Munich), Frankfurt etc... and we haven't had any problems!. ... we love it here! We go to the local festivals and mingle with everyone. They only tend to give you a second look if they can tell you are American..and even then it has nothing to do with race. Most often they are just curious as to how you came to be in if you're a tourist or if you actually live here. Before you take a trip anywhere in Europe please be advised that most people think that Americans are blend in and don't bring unnecessary attention to yourself..because everywhere you go there will be people who target tourists. NOT because of race. Germans are very helpful especially if you take the initiative to try and learn some German!.  There are many interracial couples here and no one stares them down or makes rude comments. Most everyone minds their business and are not that concerned with everyone elses! I hope the things that people have told you don't deter you from visiting! If you would like to know if there are any tourist advisorys for Germany or any other country abroad check the state department's website. will have any travel warnings you may need to know about, otherwise..don't listen to what people tell you...! take the time to experience it yourself! I'm sure you'll have an awesome time!!!

  5. I am German and it is sure, that you won't have any problems here.

    And the soccer problem are hooligans and they don't care about who they are hurting (they don't have brain anywhere!)

    So don't mind about that and visit Germany, it is a beautiful country with many castles and a nice landscape.

    Greetings from Germany!

  6. You mentioned, your dad had to be escorted in Frankfurt for being black for his safety?

    I would like to know, when and where that happened, it must have been a Frankfurt in the USA, because in Germany, you are as safe as can be.

    My wife is black and we never had a rude comment or any racial issue to deal with, compared to the USA, which is a nasty racist place I am afraid to go.

  7. There definitely is racism everywhere and it's not a hundred percent safe where ever you go, but Germany has become a very safe spot on this planet over the past decades. I live in Frankfurt and there are plenty of non-white people, of whom nobody is starred, pointed or laughed at. Let alone treated any differently. So I hope you won't be put off by whatever horror stories you've heard about racism in Germany. It's a very safe place and you'll be fine. Hope you'll have a pleasant time, too.

  8. Look like you never been in Germany. Don't worry. My husband is African/American and I'm white, no problems. I live in Frankfurt over 24 years and feel sooooooo comfortable. Lovely place. I can understand your questions, but don't worry. If you go to this cities like Frankfurt, Dusseldorf, Hamburg, Berlin you see so many different people all multicultural.

    Just visit your father enjoy your trip and have fun.

  9. I'm Jewish and lived in Germany. I saw no racism towards me, but other Jews saw it a lot in other areas. There's racism everywhere, but I don't think you have any reason to worry. Good luck! You'll be fine in the big cities for sure, there's a lot of diversity there - well, more so in the smaller cities.

    I thought it was in Spain that black people were being harassed? I could've heard wrong.

  10. Yes, racism is in Germany but it's everywhere. I think you will be OK. Interracial couples are common, though you might get stares, but Germans like to stare anyway so don't worry.

  11. i'm not white and i've been to munich. it's awesome there, and the people were really nice too! we got lost and they tried their best to help. you're gonna enjoy it. ;D

  12. Germans are pretty tolerant regarding mixed marriages or couples. They have a problem with some of their Turkish inhabitants. Go and visit, it's a wonderful country with many exciting customs and attractions. Don't forget Munich, you will love it.

  13. Places like Duesseldorf, Hamburg or Frankfurt are very safe - in Hamburg there is a pretty big  Afro German community .... I would not travel to East Germany .... avoid places like Berlin and Rostock.

    My favorite places in Germany are Hamburg, Freiburg and Luebeck.

  14. My best friend (white) is married with a black American and they have kids from 16-27. They often visit Germany (he also was stationed here for 10 years) but they NEVER had any problem here. We live in a small town but also here live many black people and I never heard about any problem. Think in all parts of the world there's more or less racism...but when there's a racism occurrence in Germany the papers are full of it.

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