
Is there real magic spells? Is there a good kind of magic and bad? Or is it all bad magic? plz help!

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Is there real magic spells? Is there a good kind of magic and bad? Or is it all bad magic? plz help!




  1. lets just say i wouldnt recommend it.....

  2. Magic is all around us.  A "spell" is a way for one to tap into that magic.  Good and Bad...there is not good or bad magic; however, it can be used for either good or bad.  Me, I am Wiccan so I will not use such a beautiful thing for anything but what is meant for...good.  

    If you are having difficulties in finding magic, stand outside and look around you.  You are surrounded by the beauty of magic always.

    I hope you find what you are seeking

  3. Some will tell you that all magick is bad, but I dont believe so. I believe that there is good and bad magick, but just like anything else you have to work and choose good.

  4. There is no good magick or bad magick. Only good and bad intentions. If you magick for good then it will do good. however if you use magick for bad, even if don't realise it, then it will do bad. However sometimes, you will get a gentle reminder and be shown where you went wrong.

  5. there is no good or bad, there is an individuals intent.

  6. It doesn't work like in the movies or on TV, but yes there is Magick. And like a gun it is, in and of itself, neither good nor bad. It depends upon the intentions behind it's use, like a robber using a .45 to hold up a store, or a policeman using a 9 millimeter to take down a crazed wife-beater holding a child as a shield. Blame not the tool, but the tool's user for the manner of it's use.

    The big difference is that the laws of Magick state thaat what you do will reflect back on you 3 fold. Kind of like you wishing a rival to have a leg injury to get them out of your way for some event, but later you wind up in a body cast while trying a new trick on your snowboard. You get the idea.

  7. magic is based on  your intent. if your intentions are truly for the better then it is a good spell. if your intentions are negative then it is a negative spell.

    2 common examples would be love spells...

    in general a love spell is usually considered to be a negative spell because it is trying to force someone to fall in love with you, thus it would seem good to you (because you get waht you want) but bad to the person (because their love has been forced on someone that they do not love).

    the other side of that is that a love spell designed to bring love into your life, but not targeting a speific person is fine, because all it really does is increase the chances of you meeting someone that will love you anyway.  

  8. Some would lead you to believe that any magic is bad magic. They are sorely mistaken. This belief is based on conditioned learning from their churches. No, magic has no color, only the intent of the practitioner has color.  

  9. Pearly, All magic comes from the same place... And its how you use that magic determines it it is good or bad..... The sad thing is that most magic is left into the hands of a imperfect members of man-kind.................

  10. magicks a tool, for instance lets take a knife, no lets say a gun, i could use it to kill innocent ppl, or i could use it to protect my family from intruders, its not what it is that makes it evil, its the use of it that determines whether its evil or not

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