
Is there really ALIENS?

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Is there really ALIENS?




  1. If you mean that we're not the only ones in the universe than yes there is really aliens .

    If you mean by the big - eyed green creatures that come in oval spaceships ... then no they're not real .

    An alien is something or someone that is forgien .

    They're IS other life on other planets and yes they are called aliens .

  2. Yes.  George Bush

  3. Yep, it's a great movie.

    In all seriousness, I personally wouldn't be surprised if there was intelligent life other than humans in our universe - but I would be if we contact them within the lifetime of anyone alive today.

  4. yes mos republicans

  5. Wellll...... I was watching TV and heard that an alien queen was sent to kill someone or something like that. Scary s***.

  6. yes, the universeS are huge!!!

  7. The chance of there being aliens in the billions of galaxies out there is pretty good...probably are aliens out there.

  8. illegal ones

  9. i dont believe in advanced thinker aliens

  10. Perhaps, but because of interstellar distances, we will NEVER know unless somehow we pick up an alien radio signal. SETI has been searching for 50 years and hasn't found a beep.  I'm guessing you will go to your grave and still not know the answer to your question.  The people who answer questions here certainly don't know the answer.  Why ask us?  Anyone who claims to KNOW is lying.

  11. Area 51 is one of many DUMBs (deep underground military bases) connected by high speed underground trains. It is where the antichrist's army and monstrosities are being built for his soon to rise 4th Reich known as THE NEW WORLD ORDER. The final brutal empire seen by the prophet Daniel and John the Revelator.

    All craft are ours... just New World Order vehicles. Their technology will appear centuries ahead of the civilian population from whom they have suppressed it. As for what people are calling "aliens", think more like extradimensional beings or what some call "The Fallen":

    Our governments have sold us out and will soon try to force these on us:

    Google/youtube: "Project Bluebeam"; "Verichip Corp"; "TR-3B"; "Operation Paper Clip"; "Haunebu"; "n**i Bell"; "Vril Society", "Thule Society"; "Bohemian Grove"; "Cremation of Care"; "America:From Freedom to Fascism"; "The Lightbringers"; "Georgia Guidestones"; etc...

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